
Colour contest giveaway

Colour is part of our lives and it influences us everyday. You already know, I have a monthly event where I choose a colour with a giveaway and we link up dishes.

Tetley offered me samples of their new herbal tea products.
They are indeed colourful, each one has a unique flavour; calm, soothe, warmth, mojito, cleanse, clarity, dream, peppermint, wild berries, summer berries and more.

Tea does calm and energize me. The day start with a morning cup of tea and ends with one, and sometimes in between :)

Leave a comment on this post and tell me "What's your colour today?"

All my friends around the world join in the fun; it will help me pick the next colour.
Due to shipping anyone living in Canada (except Quebec) can win this gift basket with canister/tea pot, containers of tea and greeting cards, worth approximately $70)
Giveaway ends on December 15, 2010 so leave your comments and I will pick a winner randomly.
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Courtesy of Tetley


  1. Give me a mug of tea and I am as happy as I can be. Energized and refreshed with the aroma of green, black and gray, but green being the favorite of all. My favorite color is green.

  2. oooh...Lovely giveaway....tea is more my thing..I am not a coffee person...since it season of holidays how about brown/..:)

  3. My color right now is purple, goes well with a deep mug of how tea for the aftermath of the recent snow storm we just had here in London, ON :)) Hard to choose between colors, but definitely purple for now!

  4. I am a tea obsessed person! My favourite is green tea....especially 'matcha'.
    My colour today is bronze.

  5. I'm a coffee and tea drinker. I grew up with jasmine and rose flavour black tea. But lately, I've been obsessed with matcha.

    My colour today is green.

  6. My husband like tea and coffee .My son favorite color is green and orange.Can u give me a mug.

  7. I am obsessive tea green how about green color.

  8. I love tea, so this is a great giveaway! My colour today is orange. :)

  9. I love black color,it highlights other colors, when all the other colors are embalmed in it...
    I like tea a lot....that too ginger tea on a rainy day, makes my day perfect

  10. I like the green color... peppermint. I have been in a very "minty" mood lately, both with teas and coffees. Mmmmm.

  11. I love tea, nice giveaway i love wild berries flavored tea.

  12. My color today is purple. Love teas.

  13. am a tea lover and drink tea all day around. not much of green tea lover but drink it for health reason. my fav colours are turquoise and fuchsia.

  14. i love tea or u acan say i will not live without tea. the colours play role in our life aspink blue green are cool and brown red purple are is it is related with tea so i choose brown

  15. I love love love tea and *I* am orange today.

  16. My colour today is indigo.... i'd love to win prize! Wonderful contest!

  17. I'm feeling orange today! We drink tons of tea in our house, but I've never tried this brand before. Looks great!

  18. Nice giveaway, I love Tetley's green tea so... my fav colour is Green

  19. just stopping by to say hi! not here for the giveaway, its a nice one though happy holiday!

  20. I like a sort of turquoise-blue colour. But looking at the options above, the colour of the soothe one (ginger-mint) is my favourite.

  21. I love tea! Its great for every situation.
    My color today is purple

  22. oooh I am a tea person! My colour today is a calm blue? Went for a nice walk around our new area this afternoon :)

  23. Aw, wish I could play, but I now live in the US. But I will tell you my colour it is yellow because I have my parents with me and the whole family feels happier and sunnier.

  24. I am very addicted to tea! Black, green, red, herbals..I drink at least 5 cups a day!
    My colour today is purple =)

  25. I'm a deep blue! Happy and relaxed. XD It'd be great to win a ton of tea. (

  26. Right now I'm red! I just bought a box of Ceylon black tea with strawberry. :o) What a great giveaway, thank you!

  27. Oooh, nifty!! I'd have to say my colour today is probably a mellow lavender or sage green - I had acupuncture so I'm feeling all kinds of Zen. As the week goes on with all these term papers though, I might split into some sort of kaleidoscope@

  28. My color is yellow because of saffron. Isn't Toronto about 8 hours drive to Quebec? Oh well, it seems I can't participate in the giveaway.

  29. lovely giveaway! my favorite color is lilac because it is so calming :)

  30. Hey,my kinda color is green. I relate this color to freshness and revives one's moods. Enjoyed browsing ur space and glad to follow u:):)


  31. My colour today is yellow- signifies warmth, radiance, bright n sunny !

  32. Tea is an elixir to me. Love the wine color of lightly brewed black tea.

  33. During exams tea is my strength and my weakness. It warms me up, energizes me through the endless hours of studying. Yet it also calms me down and soothes my anxious nerves. Oh, and there is nothing like procrastinating with a big mug of tea and some cookies. Today my colour is orange: a little spicy, a little sweet but warm all over!

  34. Just catchup with me for a cuppa some day.My fav colour is WHITE-pure and serene.

  35. Love tea, my color would have to be teal, its exciting and relaxing at the same time

  36. My colour today is orange..and give me cup of hot tea..

  37. Dear,
    Thanks for letting me know about the event. Will try to participate!

  38. I love tea & it energizes me & keeps me going throughout the day.My colour today is "blue"

  39. Colors for my days are yellow and orange. They are bright, happy lively colors. Great way to wake up in the morning.

  40. What an exciting giveaway for a complete tea-addict like me:0 Tea simply fixes me up for everything and anything. The color for me now would be GOLDEN,I am obsessed with the warmth this color exudes :)Thanks!

  41. My color is definitely white...winter white. Powdered sugar on my cookies, white tea in my cup and for once here in the South, white flakes in the air!

  42. My colour today is aquamarine. Mellow and happy.

  43. dear Akilla, I just got back from 3 days of flu and a whole day in my color today is definitely YELLOW! The color of sunshine and happiness that cheers a blue heart =)

    and omg I am a tea addict...didnt know tetley had so many different flavors

  44. wow so many flavors to choose from :) my color today is yellow, lucky to have a round of summer weather in dec!

  45. Wow that's good giveaway for Canadians...put my name in it !

  46. wow...amazing giveaway...a day with out a cup of hot tea is utter color is GOLDEN YELLOW

  47. I can't think of starting a day without tea :-) My color today is green :D

  48. I know I am not eleigible t win but my color is blue. I drink tea several times a day. In fact, I am having my morning tea right now :)

  49. wow nice giveaway .......... my color is red ..........

  50. I took the quiz and it turns out that I am turquoise! I would love to win this prize - my hubby is a real tea drinker, (I send him to work each morning with TWO pots of tea & a mug full) so we go through a lot of tea - and we like a lot of variety. So this basket would be an awesome gift for us!

    Thanks for the giveaway and chance to win!

  51. I am purple today. And I'm canadian so count me in on the giveaway.

  52. That's a great giveaway ... Tea is consumed in every family ... I like a strong cup of ginger tea ... My colour is orange

  53. Nice giveaway.I love to drink tea.I like blue colour.

  54. My colour changes all the time lol. I guess right now I would be a soft, gray/blue/purple. You know the colour I mean! I'm relaxing after a very hectic cookie-decorating day!

  55. I'm doing the giveaway on my blog also. Love that tea.


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