
Salad, stir fry and more with Olivado oil

Olivado Avocado oil is available in many parts of the the world and now in Canada.
I am glad to receive a complimentary package from Olivado oils to review and to be introduced to this delicious brand of cold pressed extra virgin avocado oil.
Here are a few dishes I tried it on; stir-fried egg rice, broccoli stir fry and in roti's with vegetables and meat. It didn't burn in high heat rather gave an enhancing flavour without overpowering the dishes.
It is perfect for frying, sauteing and cooking.

It has an excellent source of Vitamin E reduces cardiovascular diseases. It also has chlorophylls antioxidants that reduce risk of cancer, cartenoid lutein which reduces age related macular degeneration and prostate cancer.
It doesn't have trans fats or sodium. It is cholesterol free and is a heart healthy product.
It is also good for the skin and hair.
It is suitable for raw food diet and is excellent on salads, dressing and dipping.

This salad is tossed with avocado oil and topped with croutons and parmesan cheese.

Some flavours ...
Olivado Avocado oil has a delicious buttery smooth flavour.
Avocado zest has a tang of lemon taste.
Omega plus has a blend of avocado, olive and flaxseed oil; natural way for good heart health in children and adults which reduces risk of coronary heart disease.
Macadamia nut oil unique and flavourful.
It not only provides quality, shelf life but it is also organic. Olivado is committed to helping over 600 family owned farms in Kenya; that previously didn't have a market for their produce.
I certainly feel good using this product, check it out for yourself I am sure you will love it too.

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  1. hey, that sounds great, olivado oil and I love the idea of avocado flavor.

  2. Nevr tried this oil ever..thanks for your review

  3. heard about the oils but never tried it...thanx for a wonderful review!

  4. very interesting am sure it would be heaven!

  5. thanks for this post dear, nice review

  6. Healthy and very versatile.Good review.

  7. Great looking dish..Interesting oil..

  8. This is a new oil for me.thanks for sharing..salad looks colorful!

  9. healthy,hearty anything with avocado..lovely post dear

  10. awsome oil ,will try it when time permits

  11. Healthy & interesting Dish!

  12. I'll keep my eyes peeled for it next time I go grocery shopping. It sounds great.

  13. Love the idea... Great dishes...

  14. wow, will definitely pick this up if i see it at the local grocery store! the flavors r really exciting, complements ur healthy dishes perfectly.

  15. This product sounds really interesting! Can't wait to find it at the grocery!

  16. That is interesting, Nice review.

  17. Nice! I'm definitely going to hunt some down. They all sound wonderful :D

  18. I've been meaning to buy avocado oil and now you've given me reasons to use it as well. Thanks.

  19. I haven't tried avocado oil yet. Thanks for a good review of this brand!

  20. I am embarrassed to admit it, but I use store brand olive oil! I have been thinking about trying new brands to see if the taste is really different for cooking with it, and this sounds great. I love that it uses local farmers, would make me feel good too!

  21. The whole concept of this oil is good--- from the taste to the market of it!

  22. Great review as usual. Oh, please go to my blog to claim your Stylish Blogger Award. It was given to me by another fantastic blogger, Elisabeth and one of the rules is to pass on to other bloggers whom I think are fantastic and you are one of them in my list. Thanks again for sharing with us all the wonderful stories and recipes. HUGS!

  23. Great review. I don't thing I can find products like this here but it is good to know. Thanks. Oh, please go to my blog to claim your Stylish Blogger Award. It was given to me by another fantastic blogger, Elisabeth and one of the rules is to pass on to other bloggers whom I think are fantastic and you are one of them in my list. Thanks again for sharing with us all the wonderful stories and recipes. HUGS!

  24. Quite versatile! Thanks for letting us know.

  25. Cool! A good range of oil for healthy cooking and eating.

  26. Never tried that oil but it looks like a beautiful combination in the stir fry.

  27. Very informative post with awesome presentation..
    Tasty appetite

  28. thank you for sharing such a healthy n useful information..

  29. Interessante,non sapevo dell'esistenza dell'olio di avocado,complimenti!!! ;-)

  30. new to me information regarding oil is good for us

  31. thats a great flavour I must say but pity that we wont get to cook with it very soon.

  32. great idea to put this out - I use olive oil for most of my cooking - Avacado is supposed to have all kinds of good properties, but I developed some BIG allergies to its fat, which affected my gall bladder after my pregnancy and have kinda stayed away from it - IT must taste great though!

  33. Interesting one ... good one ......

  34. wow avocado oil sounds delish! where can i find some? your dishes look appetizing


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