
Mint Ice cream and vanilla bean giveaway

The season to enjoy ice cream is here.  I adapted this minty delicious ice cream from Fresh Juice magazine.  I used Nielsen-Massey vanilla beans which gave a delicious fragrant to this ice cream.  I always make vanilla infused sugar with the vanilla beans so it would last longer and I would have fragrant sugar for the cakes as I don't use vanilla with alcohol.

Mint Ice cream
1 cup milk
1 cup whipping cream
3/4 cup fresh mint leaves
4 egg yolks
1/3 cup + 2 tbsp vanilla infused sugar

Blend the milk, whipping cream and mint leaves in the blender until the leaves are pureed.  Transfer to a saucepan and let it come to a boil, remove from heat and let it steep for 20 minutes covered.  
After 20 minutes strain the mixture and discard the pulp.

In a heat proof bowl beat the egg yolks and sugar until it is pale and fluffy.  Add the strained warm mixture to the egg mixture while beating.  

Transfer the mixture to the saucepan and let it heat on medium high heat for a few minutes until the content coats the back of the spoon.  Don't let it boil, keep stirring.  
I found that if we keep cooking for a long time the mixture becomes foamy, so cook only for about 3 to 4 minutes.  
Strain the mixture and leave it to cool completely.  

Transfer the completely cooled mixture into the ice cream machine, follow the instructions on the manual and put the machine on for about 20 to 25 minutes.  Serve it cold.    

Nielsen-Massey is offering a 2 bean vial of Madagascar Bourbon whole beans to the readers of Torviewtoronto and Createwithmom.  
Please leave a comment on this post if you want to win it.  The giveaway ends on May 30th.  It is open to everyone in USA and Canada.
Please follow my twitter and Facebook, so you know when the winner is announced.
Update: The winner is Nami

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  1. Homemade ice cream always makes me drool. Mint is really a refreshing flavor. However, I don't have an ice cream machine, so will have to modify the recipe a bit. I really want to try vanilla beans since alcohol free vanilla extract is hard to find . I have also heard that vanilla beans give a much better flavour than extract.

  2. Yummy! I love the flavors going in this ice cream.

  3. Looks very tempting, delicious!

  4. The ice-cream looks so delicious!

  5. I keep seeing all these wonderful ice cream recipes. I love anything with fresh mint! Now I just need to get my hands on an ice cream machine!

  6. so lovely and yummy yum icecream :)

  7. I like the colours here. I wonder how this recipe will translate to one without eggs. I find it interesting that you boil the mixture with the mint leaves in it.

  8. Super tempting icecream..excellent.

  9. Oh I love vanillabeans. I recently found a place and ordered a gigantic amount of vanilla beans. LOL I have to hide it from my husband hahaha

  10. Very nice ice cream with fresh ingredients dear. Looks cute. Bookmarking this.

  11. wow very nice and tempting ice cream...luv it!....

  12. Great ice cream! I finally got an ice cream maker attachement for my mixer and this would be perfect...think I would also toss in some choc chips too :) Would love to enter the vanilla bean giveaway! I have been buying vanilla bean paste lately to avoid the alcohol in vanilla extract. Would love to give the actual beans a try!

  13. Lovely recipe

  14. I love icecream, I love mint... irresistible combination... o and its 45 degrees here in chennai

  15. Though I am not a big fan of mint in ice creams, this looks fabulous..

  16. yummm! All I need to do is minus the eggs and I am good to go. Thanks.

  17. Your ice cream looks great! Thanks for the giveaway. Following you on FB and TW.

  18. I love mint ice cream and this looks fabulous. :)

  19. Just like you, I prefer flavors with alcohol. Mint ice-creams are my fav among the many found. Great products for other to explore and makes a perfect gift away.

  20. very yummy n flavorful ice cream, sounds so delicious.

  21. Love that minty flavoured ice cream.....

  22. awesome ice cream!!!!love mint!!!!!!!!and all natural too!.....thanks for the following you on fb...i am not on twitter. parents are based in toronto.

  23. Oo..refreshing. Give me tub and I'll finish in one seating!

  24. Looks delish,perfect for mint lovers...

  25. Perfect, I have tons of mint in the garden and a dinner party tomorrow night.

  26. Perfect, tons of mint in the garden right now and a dinner party tomorrow.

  27. I’m so happy!! This recipe comes right on time. I have a big bunch of mint and no clue what to do with them. Making ice cream makes sense =)

  28. wow that looks amazing, and what a great giveaway!

  29. Wow that looks amazing, and what a great give away

  30. Great ice cream. You know how much I love the stuff.

  31. I bought a pot of mint plant the other day. I wonder if I have enough mint for 3/4. I started making ice cream and I'm intrigued to give it a try! Thanks for the giveaway!

  32. I love mint cream...perfect for summer.Nice giveaway!

  33. Mint ice cream is my most favorite with vanilla bean coming in second so this is just perfect for me!

  34. Mint ice cream is our favourite! Love it!

  35. It looks really refreshing and cooling.

  36. Not one of my fav flavored ice cream but I know a friend who can eat that all day long!

  37. Sounds so refreshing and delicious! Yum!

  38. We just started making our own ice cream last weekend. This is both good (tasty) and bad (my pants are getting way too tight!). Thanks for this delish recipe. Will try. :)

  39. I make mint chocolate chip ice cream and love it. You recipe is different and looks interesting.

  40. So nice and cool for the hot weather that has hit us.


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