
Green Dolphin review and giveaway

Green Dolphin products are eco safe solutions for our home.  I tested three of their products; green bin deodorizer, calcium lime rust buster and stainless steel cleaner and polish.  The details of each product is on this post.
I like the feeling of using eco-friendly products that doesn't have abrasives, solvents and VOCs.  All the products are made in Canada and can be bought online.

Use the code CREATE to get 20% off
Green Dolphin would like to offer a Canadian reader of Createwithmom and Torviewtoronto a chance to win a package of Eco Auto Dishwash detergent and a bottle of coffee pot and kettle cleaner.
To enter the giveaway please leave a comment on this post or on Createwithmom before July 15th.
Please follow me on twitter and Facebook so I can let you know the winner.
Follow Green Dolphin on twitter to know about their new products and other information.

All rights reserved on photographs and written content Torviewtoronto © 2012 unless mentioned. Please Ask First


  1. Excellent giveaway - exactly the kind of thing I would be happy to support, too! Good on you! I have tweeted it, and hope you get lots of support on this one. Well done! A Clean Green Canadian Company!

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! Would love to try these out!

    sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com

  3. Sounds like a good company. Thanks for a chance of trying their products!

    ontariohappychick at gmail dot com

    like you on fb and follow you and sponsor on twitter @50PlusSingleBBW

  4. These sound like great products!

  5. I am always trying to use eco friendly products...would love to enter the giveaway!

  6. I always like to use eco-friendly products!.. Nice to know about this... but I'm in US :)

  7. nice posting. thanks for sharing


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