
Bitter melon curry

1 1/2 cups (2 to 3) bitter melon sliced
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
hot water


1/2 tbsp coriander seeds
1 to 2 dried red chillie ground to taste
1 tbsp coconut grated

1 tbsp coconut or olive oil
1 tbsp onion
1/2 tbsp curry leaves
1/2 tsp garlic chopped
1/2 tsp grated ginger
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/4 to 1/2 tsp salt to taste
1/2 tbsp tamarind pulp
1/4 cup water

Let the sliced bitter melon soak in the hot water with the lemon juice and salt for about 20 minutes.  Then squeeze the bitter melon and throw out the water.  I usually put only salt to remove the bitterness, but this time I added lemon juice as well which helped. 
Grind the coriander seeds, red chillie and coconut together and keep it aside.  
Heat oil in medium heat, and sauté the onion, curry leaves, ginger and garlic.  Add the turmeric and bitter melon without the water; sauté for about 2 to 3 minutes.  Add the ground spices and cook covered in low heat until the bitter melon is cooked.
Extract the tamarind pulp with 1/4 cup water and add to the bitter melon.  Mix and let it cook for another 2 to 3 minutes or until the flavours have incorporated.  Remove from heat and serve as a side dish.
First time planting a Bitter melon plant in our backyard.
This picture is after a few weeks of planting it.

This bitter melon image goes to black and white wednesday hosted at Divine food and art.  
The recipe goes to Gayathri's Walk through the memory lane event and MLLA #50.  I am also sending this to the 30 minutes meal mela as I served it with plain white rice and other curries.

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  1. Yummy!! That looks delicious :) And how neat that it came from your garden! Thanks for sharing this delicious looking recipe :)

  2. The name bitter melon I am hearing for the first name. Good that u shared the picture, otherwise would have asked u for it.. :)
    I know it by the name bitter gourd..
    Delicious and inviting curry..

    Divya's Culinary Journey

  3. you are lucky to have bitter gourd growing in your own garden. from the pics they look so fresh.

    i have never had bitter gourd in a ground coconut masala. but am sure the curry was tasty. also i liked the way you have added the curry in the coconut shell.. looks so earthy and natural.

  4. delicious...and nice click...loved ur garden....

  5. I have never had bitter melon, but this recipe looks wonderful, nice and spicy.

  6. such beautiful presentation! my mom makes minced meat with bitter melon. that's the only bitter melon recipe i have ever tried. now, i can add a new recipe into my folder :)

  7. Very nice click, delectable dish, liked your garden.

  8. I didn't know this was called bitter melon in english...great salaan!

  9. Oh I love bitter melon. This curry looks fantastic. Thanks for sharing this Akhila :)

  10. Ayeesha! These sound perfect with rice and curd.... we grew to love this combination during summers. The plants looks so healthy. My summer veg. garden did not fare so well this year.

  11. Delicious bitter melon curry. Here I used to buy from the store.

  12. My favorite veggie..Love to have in any form and I am drooling here:)

  13. never tried this curry .. looks delicious ......

  14. i love the fact that the veg has come from your garden........a new way to serve the humble karela...very nice.

  15. Love the smell of the fresh plant and vegetable,my mom had it in the garden,deliciously prepared.

  16. love it. Love bitter melon so this one is bookmarked.
    Thanks for linkinug to my event.
    I am hosting WTML All through August’12. Do send me your entries

  17. Never tried using coconut with Bitter Gourd.. New recipe...

  18. One of my favorite veggies! I cook some recently too!

  19. Never heard this kind of melon but I'm sure it's delicious!

  20. This one of my fav veggie.. Yummy..

  21. Your bitter melon is gorgeous! My mom tried planting a bunch of stuff, including bitter melon, in our garden this year and none of it grew (probably because we never watered the yard...) Bitter melon curry sounds like a flavour explosion.

  22. I am always amazed by home grown, it's so rewarding.. thanks for you visit!

  23. I am always amazed at home grown it's so rewarding... well done and thanks for your visit!

  24. I am always amazed by home grown, it's so rewarding.. thanks for you visit!

  25. great curry my hubby loves this veggie

  26. mmmm.... lovely curry, never tried this. Sure gonna make this.

  27. Love bitter gourd, perfectly done here.the sapling looks very pretty..I wish I had a backyard veggie patch

  28. Lovely curry. Looks so delicious

  29. looks nice and new must try......

  30. Ooooh! Looking good :) Never had bitter melon before but it always looks so nice in the blogs!

  31. Miss bitter melons...the stir-fry looks tasty.

  32. As curry fans we would both love this dish. Have a great day Diane

  33. Very nice kitchen gardening dear. Love that curry and presentation.

  34. A very unique recipe! Will definitely give a try :)

  35. I love bitter melon but have never tried cooking it this way. Looks delicious!

  36. curry looks delicious....home grown veggies give even more great taste...
    First time visiting your lovely space....Glad to be your follower...
    Do visit my space....

  37. Another yummy dish to try with BM.. bookmarked..

  38. I must confess I am not a fan of bitter melon but I like the presentation of your curry in coconut shells.

  39. I haven't seen these bitter melons in ages! My Indian nanny taught me how to make her famous curries growing up, and the item that intrigued me the most was this bitter melon.

  40. Love the photos, especially the B&W one. I had bitter melon once and remember liking it, but I had never seen the plant.

  41. I love bitter melon! This curry looks awesome, and so easy to make!

  42. I like bitter melon but not to my children, i hope they will accept this melon soonest, so i can cook it often. Your curry look yummy!

  43. One of the most fascinating vegetables for looks and flavor, and a great choice for B/W.

    Thank you, A, for joining in MLLA and BWW. MLLA 50 round-up will be online very soon. Apologies for delay.


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