
Salmon burgers, TurboCharged and Julia Child book giveaways

Salmon burgers recipe from the book TurboCharged recipes.

2 salmon fillets skinned and chopped (1 1/2 lbs) I used 1 lb
2 tbsp chopped red onion
1 egg
2 tsp grated lemon rind
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp pepper
I added 2 tbsp coriander leaves chopped and 1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp olive oil
Combine everything except oil.  The book suggests to form 4" patties, however I made 10 mini patties as I served it with small buns.  Chill the formed patties for about 2 hours or more.  
Heat oil in a nonstick skillet over medium high heat.  Cook patties until it is cooked through.  The book suggests 3 minutes per side, however I cooked for a little bit more.  Serve with buns with the topping you prefer.

This book TurboCharged recipes has lots of useful information and recipes.  There aren't any pictures so it doesn't look attractive to open and start reading :) 
Most recipes use only a few ingredients.  All the recipes in the book are easy to follow and understand, as the instructions are simple.  We have to figure out about certain methods and change the cooking time to our preference.  

The beginning of the book talks about healthy eating, answers a lot of questions we all have i.e. should we go organic, getting kids to east healthy etc...  The book goes into brief detail about benefits of different vegetable, herbs and spices.
I liked suggestions on how to use a variety of herbs, which is good if we are looking to add new flavour into our daily food i.e. quick fried single sage leaves adds a delicious flavour to cheese. 
The book is separated into sections such as i.e. beverages, dips and dressings, appetizers, soups stews salads, vegetarian, eggs, fish, meats, pulpy and desserts.  This makes it is easy for us to find something we want to make quickly.

Some tips from the book...
  • If the eggs aren't organic we should skip them.  Organic eggs have 1:1 ratio of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.  Commercial eggs have 19 times more omega 6 than omega 3, which is unhealthy.  
  • The book gives a list of produce that we don't have to worry if it is organic or not.
  • It is important for us to read food labels.  Did you know if the ingredients are listed as one of the first ingredients then that is the main one?  
  • The book has a list of other names that sugar is presented on labels that we maybe unaware of i.e. agave, brown rice syrup, cane syrup, cornstarch, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, lactose, sorghum, rock sugar, pulled sugar, treacle etc.  
  • The book lists the terms in the ingredient list that signals the presence of MSG under names such as autolyzed yeast, calcium caseinate, gelatine, glumate, glutamic acid, hydrolyzed corn gluten, mono potassium glumate, sodium caseinate, textured protein, hydrolyzed protein (wheat/soy/vegetable protein)
  • Store bought dressings have lots of additives.
  • It is better to keep separate cutting boards.  We can keep our cutting boards sanitized by washing with 1 tsp chlorine bleach mixed with 1 quart of water.  Dip and dry.  
  • To quickly bake potatoes boil first for about 10 to 15 minutes then bake or grill. 
  • Steam cook with minimal oil and water.
Check out more about health on their site.  This book is available online and amazon.

Giveaway:  If you would like to win this book please leave a comment on this post.  The giveaway ends on August 25th open to people in Canada and US.
Update: The winner is Sanoli

Many of you may know about the JC100 event that started in May where bloggers participated by making specially chosen recipes from Julia Child.  I participated in the 2nd week of the event by making chocolate mousse.
Giveaway: To celebrate the 100th birthday of Julia Child on August 15, 2012 I am hosting a giveaway for someone in Toronto (due to postage) to win a copy of this Dearie: The remarkable life of Julia Child a biography by Bob Spitz.  Please leave a comment on this post or email me before August 25th if you would like to win this book.  
Update: The winners are Asiya and Cheryl

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  1. Wow so delicious :) Exciting to get that book :) :) hope to get it by luck :)

  2. Akeela, they sound delicious and easy to make.

  3. Thanks for brief overview from the book.. It so helpful and love to win this book:)

  4. Delicious burger..
    Loved the tips from the book..

  5. Yummy and delicious burger. I am a salmon fan.
    Helpful information got from you about the book.

  6. Lovely burger and an alternative to a healthier burger too. Errr..any chance of winning the book from out of Canada? lol Hv a great day.

  7. the burger is very appetizing...using fish is a healthy alternative for meat....

    nice to read about the giveaway too..

  8. Great idea for burger! And I am sure that taste is great!

  9. IT seems that we were both in the mood for burgers! I just posted a burger recipe as well - love yours with salmon!

  10. burgar is too tempting...rush your recipes for Fast food Event - Noodles .

  11. Delicious and wonderful looking burger.

  12. I would like to win this book as I have heard a lot and read about Julia Child on different blogs and even liked the movie. I have never made any recipe of hers but getting interested after seeing your recipe of burgers from her book.

  13. Delicious salmon burger..Nice tips too,I would love to win the recipe book too:-)

    Ongoing Events of EP Series @ Spicy Aroma

  14. Healthy and yummy burger,wonderful recipe
    Great info about the book dear.

  15. Viewing your Blog makes me hungry. I am not much of a cook, but would love to try some of the recipes. Beautiful presented.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  16. what a healthy and simple recipe!! Unfortunately I am not in Canada or US but good luck to all the rest of the entrants!

  17. Que bueno y yo por aqui a estas horas y con un hambre, besos

  18. Very Kewl I absolutely love julia child and cooking!!! Would love to win this. I am local too in Ajax
    Good Luck everyone

  19. Pls send me the burger over..looks great and tasty:)

  20. lovely burger patties :). great flavours

  21. wow!really tasty...........would love to win the books,entering both the giveaways(my parents live in mississauga)

  22. I love the salmon burgers, it's the only way that my son can eat some salmon.. Lovely giveaway! Hope you had a nice summer my friend!

  23. Looks yummy and tempting!! lovely giveaway !!

    Thanks for your comments in my blog... Keep dropping by... Happy to follow you :)

    Inviting you to join "Celebrating Independence day Event"


  24. I've passed those in some delis and wondered how to make them. Thanks for posting, they do look tempting.

  25. Absolutely delicious and healthy.

  26. thanks for this giveaway!

  27. Perfect clicks and lovely giveaway :)

  28. a perfect year to celebrate Julia Child :) Hope you Ramadan is going well dear - have been negligent in bog hopping and commenting - kids at home and trying to revamp my own blog etc, time flies! --
    I don't eat fish, but this burger looks healthy :) cheers, Priya

  29. Nice giveaway! and salmon burger is looks delicious Ramadan kareem:)......

  30. That's a great looking burger, and very healthy!
    Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  31. What a delicious looking burger! :)

  32. These salmon burgers look amazing! I love how they have large chunks of actual salmon--frozen burger patties just don't do justice.

  33. This salmon burger looks so delicious!! YUM!

  34. I am not really fond of seafood but maybe if i was to eat fish in this birger form, i would change my mind ;)

    Awesome giveaways!

  35. Delicious salmon burger...and awesome giveaway too!

  36. I've never tried a salmon burger yet salmon is our favorite fish. Definitely I have to make this. And how generous of you to host this great giveaway!

  37. Looks yummy!
    Thanks for a great giveaway too!

  38. You would think, living in Alaska, that I'd have a better idea of how to make a good salmon burger--but I haven't. Thanks for the recipe!

  39. I recently started turbo charge, I have been amazed at the results.... And it is simply eating healthy and doing 1 minute exercises!
    Would love the book, it sounds like it has a lot of good information.God bless

  40. I recently started turbo charge, I have been amazed at the results.... And it is simply eating healthy and doing 1 minute exercises!
    Would love the book, it sounds like it has a lot of good information.God bless

  41. Yummy! Will have to try one night this week. Hoping to get my hands on a copy of that book too!

  42. I live in Toronto and would love to win. Thanks for the chance to win.

  43. Thanks for your recipe and input on the Turbocharged Recipes...i was inspired and got myself the ebook as soon as I finished reading your blog...Have a Nice Day and Thanks Again./Veera


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