
Sweet snack (murukku)

For the dough
2 cups flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp margarine
water to knead

Knead everything to form a smooth soft firm dough.  Let the dough rest for about 1/2 hour or more.  Dust flour lightly on the board and roll it thin, as much as you can :)  

Then score with a sharp knife horizontally, then diagonally to make individual diamond shapes.  Remove the cut pieces and leave it ready to fry in a lightly flour dusted tray, so it is easy when frying.  
oil to fry about 2" high

Heat the oil in medium high heat.  The oil is ready when the the dough rises quickly to the top and puffs.  If it is getting dark too fast reduce the heat and fry.  Fry the diamond pieces until it become golden brown, it shouldn't not get dark.  
Turn the other side so all sides get evenly golden brown.  
Remove from the oil with a slotted spoon and drain it in a platter with paper towels for it to cool.  
For the syrup
3 tbsp sugar
4-5 tbsp water
1/4 tsp saffron thread
1/4 tsp cardamom ground optional

Combine everything in a big pan and bring to a boil.  When the syrup thickens; one string consistency, remove from heat and add the cooled fried snack to the hot syrup.  

Toss the pan to make sure all the pieces are coated; try not to break the murukku if you are using a utensil to toss.  This step has to be done fast :)  It will become sticky.  
Let the sugar coated murukku cool before storing in an air-tight container.  This will last for more than a week or more, I haven't got a chance to keep it for too long because everyone in our home likes to snack on this murukku.  
Eid Mubarak to everyone celebrating :) 
Calligraphy card I made
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  1. Crunchy and sweet, Heaven! Eid Mubarak to you and your family :)

  2. Nice and sweet murukku dear... Eid Mubarak to you and ur family...

  3. Eid mubarak to you too. the sweet snacks look so good. crunchy and crispy...feel like biting into one right away.

  4. I just got introduced to the wonderful taste of saffron on our cruise got to try these they sound wonderful!

  5. Crunchy sweet and yummy snacks. Eid mubarak to u & ur family...

    Cuisine Delights
    My Event-SPOTLIGHT:"Healthy Snacks" .

  6. Hi Akheela, May ALLAH bless you and family. May you have a joyous EID Celebration.

    Delicious murukku, my favorite.

    Have a nice week ahead, warm regards. Amelia

  7. Eid Mubarak! Happy Eid - ul - Fitr.
    Murukku looks awesome. Perfectly made.

  8. Sweet snack looks great, nice preparation.
    Eid Mubrak to you and Family too, hope you are having a great time!!!

  9. Eid Mubarak! Love this murukku...perfect snack for Eid!

  10. Akeela, Eid Mubarak to you!
    Wish you much joy and happiness.

    Murukku looks perfect too.

  11. Soo crispy..Eid Mubarak for you and to your family!

  12. Feel like munching some, Eid wishes to you and your family.

  13. eid mubarak to you and your family.........lovely snack:)

  14. I can never get enough of your photographs. And the recipe sounds delicious!

  15. They look great! I love those doughy things!

  16. Eid Mubarak to u and fly. This is almost similar to the diamond cuts I make...the addition of saffron thread to the sugar syrup is new to me..will try this.

  17. Eid mubarak! What a delightful way to celebrate. I'm sure there must have been some happy campers at your place..munching these.

  18. Eid Mubarak to you! This looks delicious and perfectly made.

  19. Ooh, those little fritters look sticky and delicious!

  20. Oh wow it looks and sounds amazing. Here I am on a low carb / fat diet and wanting to lick the screen :). YUM

  21. Eid Mubarak to you!
    We usually make these savory but i like the sweet version too.

  22. Eid Mubarak to to you too. The snack looks delicious.

  23. What a great snack! I have a feeling I couldn't stop eating these :)

  24. Salam
    Eid mubarak akeela
    Murukku looks very tempting

  25. What a sticky sweet snack :D
    Love it!

    Choc Chip Uru

  26. I hope you had a lovely Eid Akheela. All the snacks as well as the card look lovely. Thanks for linking to my Eid Potluck Party.

  27. Oh wow - these look like a wonderful sweet snack!

  28. Eid mubarak to you and your family. Yummm snack.

  29. Hope you had an amazing EID :) The sweets and treats looks pretty awesome!

  30. These little fried bites must be very tasty!

  31. We call this goja in this snack...thanks for the recipe :-)

  32. I saw this picture and jumped in right away. What a delicious snack! My kids would love the sweet treat like this one. :)


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