
Kashi Blueberry Oat Clusters & Flakes Cereal Giveaway

Kashi Blueberry Oat Clusters Flakes cereal has a healthy taste that makes it a wonderful breakfast.  1 cup of Kashi Blueberry Oat Clusters and Flakes cereal has 45% of daily amount of fibres we need and it helps lower cholesterol.  This cereal is made out of natural ingredients that have crunchy flakes and whole grain oat clusters with sun-ripened blueberries.  I wish the cereal had blueberries that are visible so we can taste it and see it in the cereal :) as my children found it to be deceiving that the box showed blueberries but they didn't see the blueberry pieces.  The cereal doesn't have artificial flavours or colours and it is free of trans fats and low in saturated fat.    
This cereal can be found in most grocery stores and natural food stores across Canada.

Win your own box and see how it tastes :)  This giveaway is open to people in Canada and ends on March 15th.  Please enter through the rafflecopter below.
Update: The winner is Areta
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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  1. I live in Newfoundland. I have tried Kashi products before my favorite is the Kashi Dark mocha almond chewy granola bars. My favorite breakfast is special k's!!!

    rafflecopter name is Tammy Dalley

    1. lovely product review. I wish I could lay my hands on Kashi products :)

  2. Nice flakes. Good to know about it's healthy content.

  3. I am in Ontario. We love Kashi's Go Lean Crunch. My favorite breakfast is eggs benedict.

  4. Live in Ontario. I have tried Kashi GOLEAN Crunch cereal. My favourite breakfest to have is a bagel with cream cheese

  5. I live in SK. I haven't tried Kashi products but would love to. My favorite breakfast is french toast!

  6. Hi Akheela, drop by to say hello. Nice giveaway.

    Have a nice day ahead,regards.

  7. I live in Ontario! I love Kashi cereal and cereal bars, and my faviourite product is their chewy granola bars, which I love having as a breakfast-to-go.

  8. I live in BC! I actually haven't tried any Kashi products yet. I love cereal for breakfast, except for bacon on the weekends!

  9. Nice giveway....healthy product the best part is no artificial color and flavor add....

  10. I use Kashi all the time & the trail mix granola bars are my fave

  11. I live in Nova Scotia.
    I have treid the kashi cereal bars.. My favourite breakfast is pancakes

  12. I'm in Ontario.
    I have tried Kashi before, I believe it was their crackers and granola bars.
    For breakfast I like a muffin and piece of fruit.

  13. I'm on Ontario. I've never tried Kashi products but really want to, there's so many rave reviews about them. My favourite breakfast is a jalapeno cheese bagel mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!

    texan_michael AT yahoo DOT com

  14. I am in BC. I have tried the Kashi granola bars, which are my fave and the crackers. Breakfast depends on mood, it can be anywhere from a muffin to bacon and eggs.

  15. I am in Ontario. I have not tried any Kashi products before but would like to!

    breej23 at hotmail dot com

  16. I'm in Ontario. I have yet to try any Kashi products. My favourite breakfast is cereal or oatmeal with fresh fruit and a slice of toast.

  17. I am in BC. I haven't had the chance to try Kashi cereal yet, but I have tried their granola bars. I like waffles and bacon for breakfast.

  18. I live in BC. I've had a lot of Kashi cereal. My favorite is the Red Berries kind.

  19. I live in Ontario. I've tried Kashi cereal before and really like the Go Lean Crunch. My favourite breakfast is a breakfast sandwich with egg, cheese and bacon :)

  20. I'm in Ontario. I have tasted many Kashi products. I used to eat Go Lean Crunch quite often. My favourite breakfast is bacon and spicy eggs.


  21. I am in Ontario, I have tasked Kashi, but not for some time. My favorite breakfast is oatmeal.

  22. I live in Manitoba. I have not tried kashi products yet and my favorite breakfast is yogurt, english muffin with fruit spread


    belinda mcnabb

  23. I live in Ontario and have never tried a Kashi product.
    i love anything for breakfast, all breakfast food is so yummy

  24. I live in ontario and I have tried kashi products their dark chocolate and coconut bars they are so good! My favorite breakfast is pancakes and bacon.

  25. I live in NL..I have tasted the Kashi bars before..I love all breakfest foods,,especially bacon,eggs and toast!

    (Karla Sceviour on rafflecopter)

  26. I live in Ontario and we just eat toast

  27. I live in Ontario and my husband likes the Kashi bars. I am awful for eating breakie, I usually eat my cereal when I get home from work.

  28. Living in Alberta. And I have tried Kashi products, the cherry chocolate granola bar is yum!

  29. i live in BC, and i've never tried the brand Kashi before

  30. In BC, and never tried Kashi before. I love french toast for breakfast!

  31. I live in Ontario and buy Kashi granola bars all the time!
    Thanks for making this open to Canadians.

    Besos, Sarah
    Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo
    journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com

  32. I live in AB and have not tried Kashi products before. My fave brekkie is a traditional English one.

  33. I live in Nl and have tried Kashi and i like the granola bars, For breakfast I have kelloggs raisin bran, cream of wheat, or a good old fashion bacon and eggs usually on the weekend.


  34. I live in British Columbia. I love Kashi cereal. Toasted Berry Crisp is my favorite

  35. I live in Ontario. I have not tried Kashi cereals yet.

  36. I live in Alberta and I have but its been many years and i can't remember which one I tried. I'm not a big breakfast person, I am normally happy with yogurt and coffee but eat cereal as a snack often

  37. I live in Ontario. I've bought a couple different kinds of Kashi cereal before. For breakfast, I usually eat eggs.

  38. I am in Newfoundland. Kashi Go Lean is my latest go to cereal. I haven't tried the Blueberry Oat Clusters & Flakes yet.
    My favourite breakfast would be waffles.

  39. I am in Alberta. I have tried a few Kashi products. We like the granola bars and a cereal they make that is puffed grains but I don't remember the name of it. My favorite breakfast is yogurt and fruit or a bowl of cereal with almond milk.

  40. I live in Ontario. I tried 7 Whole Grain Cereal Flakes.


Thank you for commenting :)