
Classic Ebelskiver

Ebelskiver, pronounced "able-skeever" are famously known as traditional Danish pancakes that are simple to make with pantry staples.  However, ebelskiver history extends beyond Denmark.  
  • In Japan the pan is called takoyaki pan, which is used to make the popular savoury puffed pancake balls with pieces of octopus or tako stuffed in the center.
  • In China lightly sweet gai dan jai or Hong Kong egg cakes are made.
  • In Thailand they call the pan Kanom Krok.
  • In India the pan is called Paniyaram Pan.
Ebelskivers are appealing because of its ideal shape and size, which can be served for any occasion.  The 150 Best Ebelskiver recipes by Camilla V. Saulsbury introduce us to simple and sophisticated ebelskiver recipes.  The author explains about the equipment, how it is made, the pantry essential tips and more.  The recipes in the book are divided into lightly sweet puffs that would be perfect to serve as breakfast and brunch, sweet treats and savouries. There is a whole section dedicated to puffs from different countries in Asia, Europe and Africa.

I found the pictures that explain how to make the basics useful. To make quick ebelskivers, the book suggests that we use the pancake mix from a box that needs us to add eggs and milk.
This Classic Buttermilk Ebelskiver recipe is adapted from the book.

1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp vanilla flavoured sugar
2 eggs separate the egg whites into a clean bowl
1 cup buttermilk
oil to grease the pan
jam or chocolate chip optional
icing sugar optional

Whisk the dry ingredients and wet ingredients without over stirring.  

Beat the egg whites in another bowl until it forms stiff peaks and then fold into the mixture without mixing it too much.  
Heat the pan over medium heat. Oil the pan with a little bit of neutral oil such as vegetable oil. 
Put 1 tbsp batter then put 2 chocolate chips or 1/4 tsp jam quickly inside the batter before it sets. Cook for 2 to 4 minutes before turning and cooking the other side for another 2 to 3 minute.  
It is optional to sprinkle icing sugar over the cooked ebelskivers. Serve warm.     


Use a neutral oil to grease the pan instead of butter, as butter might burn quickly.
Over stirring the batter creates gluten, which will make the ebelskivers tough and gummy.  
Fold in the peak formed egg whites in parts to the batter.
Put the batter in a heated pan.

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  1. Can this be made with out the special pan, for instance in a cupcake mould or something?

  2. so many names but the base version is so simialar..yummy snacks !

  3. this looks really yummy... i could keep munching on them...

  4. Looks so yum.. would love it for breakfast

  5. Here in Spain it's coffee time so I would really love to try one of those little beautiful cakes.

  6. Hi Akheela, this look really delicious. Great to go with coffee.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Have a wonderful day.

  7. I think I can finish them in no time, they look delicious :)

  8. Sounds yummy. new recipe to me :)

  9. Love to finish that whole plate rite now,irresistible and seriously tempting.

  10. Looks delicious I love to make it.

  11. This little treats look so good, I love the texture...light and fluffy...and yes, I like the filling...almost like doughnuts.
    Thanks for this awesome recipe and hope you are having a great week :)

  12. Looks super soft and inviting.....

  13. Danish pancake sounds yumm's a fancy name :)

  14. Pancakes looks awesome,Congrats on hosting the giveaway contest..

  15. Thanks for sharing this with pictures. I have eaten this before-one of my favorites. We call it a different name and so i was having trouble searching out its recipe till i reach your post.

  16. I've never heard of these Akheela.. Loved it.. Thanks for sharing dear :-)


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