
Easy way to prepare a hearty meal with Neal brothers foods

If you are planning a party soon, especially for the upcoming mother's day or victoria day then these delicious products from Neal brothers would make it easy for us to throw a whole meal with minimal work. Their products are made with organic natural ingredients, which are gluten free and have no trans fat, preservatives, artificial flavour or colour. 
The extremely tasty organic tortillas are available in organic blue, organic blue with flax, low fat oven baked and multigrain, which taste fabulous with their salsa. The colourful tortillas chips along with the salsa would make a wonderful appetizer and snack for any gathering or to enjoy anytime. My children and I enjoyed the medium spicy flavourful salsa and my husband enjoyed the extremely spicy habanero salsa. Both these salsas had a different unique kick of spices, which we really enjoy. We haven't had blue corn tortillas before, so we enjoyed the rich colour and flavour of the tortillas.
For my family and I, including a hearty salad is must to complete a meal. I think tossing our salad with the perfectly flavoured salad dressing is very important. We enjoyed the flavour of the toasted sesame salad dressing that is made with all natural ingredients. The flavour in this creamy salad dressing had a delicious taste, it didn't have any overly sharp flavours so everyone in my family enjoyed it. I usually don't like the flavour of rice vinegar in salad dressings, however in this salad dressing I couldn't smell or taste the sharpness of the vinegar because all the flavours in it was well blended. Neal brothers also have delicious flavours of croutons to toss into our salad.
The range of their flavourful pasta sauces such as tomato basil, roasted garlic, and roasted red pepper allows us to easily prepare a meal by just tossing the sauce with our cooked pasta. These pasta sauces are made with natural ingredients. I like having flavourful sauces in my pantry, which allows us to have guilt-free meals even on busy days. 
We also enjoyed their classic BBQ sauce, which we enjoyed with this fried chicken. The balanced delicious flavour in this sauce would become a crowd-pleaser. It would be perfect to include in all BBQs.
1 chicken cleaned and cut
1/2 tbsp chillie powder to preference
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 cup yogurt
1 1/2 cups water
oil to fry about 2" to 3" high or grill in the BBQ

Marinate the chicken with salt, chillie powder, lemon juice and yogurt overnight or for about 2 hours. Let the chicken cook with about 1 cup of water until the chicken is cooked and the water has evaporated. 
Fry the cooked chicken until it is golden in all sides, then remove it out of the oil and toss the chicken with the BBQ sauce. 
Barbecue the marinated, cooked chicken by applying the sauce all over the chicken and grilling it on the BBQ. Make sure all the sides of the chicken has become golden. Serve it hot.

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  1. lovely and informative post. always love your clicks

  2. These products sound like a great choice for people who choose to eat healthy. I am gonna try them out in shaa Allah.

  3. A vivid and tempting range of Neil Brothers Food.

  4. grilled chicken looks delicious! So do u boil it first before frying? I want to try this for the weekend:-)

    1. Yes Jehanne I do boil it first so I know there is flavour and the inside of the chicken is cooked :)

  5. salaam Akheela, Sadly we don't have these products in Algeria, but everything sure does look so apetizingly delicious! sahdek! oxoxo henia@

  6. Hi Akheela, thanks for sharing this great posting but don't think we can get this product in my country.

    The grilled chicken look awesome, very nice recipe.

    Best regards.

  7. Thanks for the informative post. I will have to visit david's gourmet to get some yummy neal brothers salsa :)

    Chicken looks delicious mA!! I love how u always parboil chicken. I learned that from you :) I don't have to worry about chicken being under cooked especially when deep frying is involved.

  8. Very healthy salsa with tortilla it.

  9. Awesom chicken.. Thanks for sharing Akheela :-)


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