
The launch of avocado and spinach toppings in Subway sandwiches and salads

Subway restaurants are the world's largest submarine sandwich franchise, with more than 39,000 locations in over 100 countries. Subway Canada introduces seasonal ingredients, avocado and spinach to their line up of sandwich and salad topping for a limited time in over 3000 Subway locations in Canada. 
I was able to attend a Subway Canada location to taste the healthy, delicious addition of avocado and spinach in my favourite Subway tuna sandwich. At the event, I was able to become a sandwich artist and make my own sandwich :)
I like having fresh, healthy options, as meal times become more exciting and satisfying. Subway has added spinach to their regular topping and avocado is available for an additional charge at participating locations. 
Many of us know the nutritional benefits of avocado and spinach. Here is a little reminder, so we can include these seasonal ingredients more in our diet. 
Avocado has soluble fibre that aids in digestion, the monounsaturated fat that raises good HDL-cholesterol and lowers harmful triglycerides, and reduces the risk of heart disease. The Lutein found in avocado helps with eye health. Avocado also has magnesium, potassium, B vitamins and folic acids. Spinach is low in calories and high in magnesium, folate, iron, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. 
Don't forget to add avocado and spinach to your favourite Subway sandwich next time you go to one of the participating locations, as it is seasonal and only available for a limited time.

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  1. I like subway sandwiches as it has lots of dressings and all types of condiments you can choose from.

  2. Cuando voy a Londres siempre paro para tomar el tetenpie en Surway, los bocadillos son estupendos,besos

    1. I didn't know Subway sandwiches were available in over 100 countries with each country having their own little variation before I went to the event

  3. oh wow thats a cool topping ... i lov subways and avocado too... must try soon...

  4. Wow! I too love subway sandwiches Akheela.. They are always filling :-)

  5. I wonder if they offer seasonal toppings in the US? I haven't been to a Subway in forever.


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