
Creamy Sweet Potato Dessert

sweet potato dessert
201 Gluten Free Recipes For Kids by Carrie S. Forbes gives ideas on how to make delicious meals without gluten ingredients. Many people are adopting to eat healthier by avoiding gluten. If you are new to a gluten-free lifestyle, then this book will provide lots of information as well as delicious recipes to get us started.
Did you know gluten is not just in food, it is also in shampoos, conditioners, tooth paste and more, so if you are planning on avoiding gluten especially because of allergies then this book will give lots of helpful information. I adapted a Mashed Sweet Potato recipe from the book. It is delicious and easy to make.

2 sweet potatoes peeled and cubed 
1 tbsp coconut oil 
2 tbsp honey (can be reduced to taste)
1/4 cup milk or almond milk or coconut milk

Boil the cubed sweet potatoes for 15 to 20 minutes until it is soft and drain it well. Mix the coconut oil, honey and milk. Add a little more milk if you want it to be creamy.
This recipe can be prepared and put in an airtight container and left in the fridge for up to 3 days. 


If you are in US or Canada and would like to win a copy of this 201 Gluten Free Recipes For Kids book please enter the giveaway through the rafflecopter below before December 10th.
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Update: The winner is Victoria
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  1. Thanks for the tip on the book. I'll look for it since my niece needs to follow a gluten free diet.

  2. Replies
    1. Girlinda it's tru unusual but looks to me very good :)

    2. i will must try.. do visit my place when time permits love to have your feedback.. happy blogging dear :) Recipes Passion
      Love ~ Monu Teena

    3. In my book this is actually a "side dish" not a dessert, but if your family consumes very little sugar, I can see how it could easily be like a dessert! The recipe in the book is listed on page 171, in Chapter 9. -- Carrie S. Forbes, author

    4. Thank you Carrie for leaving a note :)

  3. In fact this is new to me.Loved the entire version.bookmarked.

  4. that's a really easy and quick dessert... lovely...

  5. Nice way to include sweet potato in kids diet.

  6. Hi Akheela, our sweet potato dessert look really good and so simple. Thanks for sharing the wonderful recipe.

    Have a nice day.

  7. Quick & easy dessert with simple ingredients, looks great.

  8. I am from Canada and I enjoy cooking everything.

  9. I live in the US. I enjoy making food of all kinds. Especially comfort dishes. I would love to learn more gluten-free recipes for my family. Some are more sensitive to certain foods.
    Thanks for the chance.

  10. I'm in Ontario and particularly like making salads. We don't explicitly try to make gluten free meals.

  11. I live in Canada. I love baking and am trying to make more gluten free baked goods.

  12. From cooking and baking (write a recipe blog)...always looking for new ideas. Lots of friends who have chosen to go GF.

  13. I live in Canada and love European food. Gluten free foods are very new to me.

  14. I live in Canada and I enjoy baking. I am slowly learning to make more gluten free baked goods!

  15. I'm in Canada. I'm interested in trying gluten free recipes because so many of my friends and family eat gluten free and I want to be able to entertain and be able to offer them food.

  16. I'm in Canada. I love baking breads, muffins and cakes. My whole family eats gluten-free so I always need more recipe ideas.

  17. I am in Canada. I like making different main courses, we have been trying lots of new things over the last few months. My sister is gluten free, I would especially like this for her. :-)

    SueSueper Sue

  18. I live in Canada. I like to make easy nutritious food that doesn't take to long to prepare. My brother is gluten free.

  19. I live in Canada. I try to volunteer for gluten free baking and usually avoid the gluten free cooking. Which might be easier than the baking, now that I think about it.

  20. I am from Canada and I like making simple healthy dishes that my kids will like. I am not a very good cook but I can do the from scratch basics =) Cook books are great, you can never have enough! I have never tried to make a gluten free meal but I think it would be fun to try!


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