
Our Thoughts on The Sugar Alternative Xyla

I received a package full of Xyla® products to review, I had no knowledge of Xyla before this review and wanted to share our thoughts and details with all of you. Xyla® or xylitol is a natural sweetener derived from nature and made from 100% sustainable North American hardwood. It does not have the side effects of sugar or most artificial sweeteners as it promotes good health, stabilizes our insulin and hormone levels and does not harm our teeth. A note that some competing brands manufactured in China is derived from corn.

I baked Banana Bread with Xyla following the recipe I received with the products. Xyla has one-to-one ratio as sugar and easily substituted sugar in this banana bread or muffins. The muffins did not taste any different because of the use of Xyla, it was sweet and the results were the same as using regular sugar. 

Since my children and we liked the taste of the muffins we had more than a couple and unfortunately after a few hours we had a stomach ache. Later when I checked online I saw that having more than 2 1/2 tsp of Xyla can cause diarrhea, stomach pains, bloating etc. due to this reason we will not consume Xyla.

During World War II, Finland had a shortage of sugar and rediscovered an alternative xylitol. Xylitol is the sweetener of choice in European countries and is now becoming available in North America. Today, about 80% of gum sold in Asian countries contains xylitol. The xylan molecule is extracted from hardwood trees through an all-natural process using steam and ion exchange and is crystallized. It is non-allergenic and the likelihood of an adverse reaction is less than one in a million because our body produces up to 15 grams of xylitol per day so we have a natural tolerance to xylitol.
Xyla is a wheat free, gluten free, vegan, and diabetic friendly sugar alternative that looks, tastes, cooks and bakes just like sugar. It has 40% fewer calories than sugar and is 75% fewer carbs than sugar. The alkaline enhancing, anti-aging properties, prevents osteoporosis, reverses bone loss, aids in weight loss, maintains hormonal balance, slows steady release of energy for physical activity and inhibits harmful yeast.

There are diabetic benefits because it is low-glycemic, slowly metabolized, natural insulin stabilizer, lowers sugar and carbohydrate craving. Researchers discovered xylitol's insulin independent nature as it metabolizes in the body without using insulin. There are dental benefits as it inhibits plaque and dental cavities up to 80%, delays demineralization of tooth enamel, re-mineralization of tooth enamel and increase saliva production.
Xyla® is available in more than 75 products ranging from bulk xylitol sugar alternative, candy, mints, gum, lollipops, and condiments such as fruit spreads, maple syrup, BBQ sauces, and ketchup. Xyla® products can be found in more than 600 stores across Canada if you want more information check their site

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  1. Wow! Nice review Akheela.. Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. Thanks a lot Akeela for reviewing this sugar free substitute.

  3. Good review. All of us sometime or the other cook for a person who has this health problem.

  4. Ooh, nice review! I have never heard of xyla before, but might look it up

  5. Nice to know about the 2.5 tsps, that would be 1 coffees worth for me! Diabetic candy states that eating more than a certain amount of artificial sweetener can have a laxative effect, happy that they put the warning there but would prefer to use as much as I like.

  6. I've tried this before and really like it.

  7. Interesting review. Good to know that consuming too much can cause stomach ache -- did not know that.

  8. I would be interested in trying it. But as you mentioned, I would be careful about consuming things you tend to "OD" on such as baking! I have similar side effects from artificial sweetners...Splenda was horrible, when consumed via Crystal Light Slurpee. Big mistake on a hot day when shopping for bridesmaid dresses! Live and learn!

  9. Thank you for the honest review, I am sorry to hear about the belly aches! I have been looking into sugar substitutes and I will put this one on my list!

  10. I think I've tried everything in my coffee to get off sugar. This morning, as a sort of last resort, I tried 3 packets of Xyla Sweet in my coffee (I know, yikes!!!) but it was perfection! No bitterness at all (like Stevia). 12 carbs in 3 pkgs. Now I am trying to find out if it has Maltodextrin in it 'cause I don't want that. And hopefully I can get used to using less. Great review and thank you very much.

  11. I bought the Xyla because it was on sale at Whole Foods. I usually use Stevia in my coffee and have two to three cups each morning. Well i had my three cups of coffee today with Xyla in it and have had diarrhea all day with extreme urgency. Odly, I am a person who suffers from extreme constipation and do have to take herbal laxatives, but I have never had the kind of urgency that the Xyla caused me today.
    It says on the can it can act as a laxative. I'm taking it back to Whole Foods

  12. It gave me diarrhea . I had a total of three cups of coffee and a tsp of Xyla per cup.


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