
Peel the Love with this Banana Walnut Muffin in Lotus Cups

Bananas aren’t just for breakfast or lunch. They are perfect addition to dinner and dessert recipes, as well as an incomparable tasty and nutritious snack on their own. In the summer, bananas ripe really fast so instead of enjoying it on its own I tend to make desserts and smoothies with it. Everyone at home will enjoy this delicious Banana Walnut muffin. The official site for more recipes is
Bananas are a good source of vitamins and nutrients especially vitamins B6 and C, potassium, manganese and dietary fiber. Just one medium banana (126 grams) provides 25 percent of the recommended Daily Values of vitamin B6, 20 percent of vitamin C, 15 percent of manganese, 13 percent of potassium and 12 percent of dietary fiber. Bananas contain more digestible carbohydrates than any other fruit. This is beneficial since the body burns off calories from carbohydrates more efficiently than calories from protein or fat.

This recipe adapted from the Model Bakery Cookbook makes twelve Banana Walnut Muffins.

1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup ripe banana mashed (2 bananas)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts plus 2 tbsp

Sift flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt and leave aside. Beat sugar, oil, and lemon juice using a hand held electric mixer on high speed until pale for about a minute, then beat in the egg. When the mixture is pale in colour add the flour mixture in thirds alternating with two equal additions of mashed bananas. Stir in the 1/2 cup walnuts and using a 1/4 cup measuring scoop place the mixture in a lined muffin pan. Divide the chopped 2 tbsp walnuts over the tops before baking.

Bake for 12 to 15 minutes in a preheated 375F oven until a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean. Leave the baked muffins in the muffin pan for about 5 minutes before moving it to a wire rack to cool. The muffins stay in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 day.
These types of muffins are delicious for any season or celebration, and dressing up our cupcakes or muffins makes it a lot of fun. Paper Chef's muti-coloured Tulip and Lotus Culinary Parchment Baking Cups gives an elegant petal look. These deeper than average baking cups are created with culinary beauty in mind, which adds a family friendly fun and ideal for social gatherings and entertaining. The cups are 100% biodegradable, and its non-stick properties allow for easy peeling away while keeping shaper, with little to no clean up. These cups are available in Tulip and Lotus mulit-coloured packs that contain 12 cups in four colours for $3.79 at super markets throughout the U.S. and Canada.

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  1. These banana muffins look so pretty wrapped in those cups...yes, I would love to have one.
    Great recipe...hope you are having a fabulous week :D

  2. Such a great simple muffin flavour. And the cups are so cute!

  3. mhmmm muffins, I feel tempted to take a bite =D
    Lotus cups, that's just brilliant!

  4. such a nice version of your muffins... pass me some yummy

  5. Wow lovey banana muffins in a cute cups...

  6. Love the lotus cups! So cute :)

  7. Love the lotus cups! So cute :)

  8. Deliziosi e bellissimi i tuoi muffins!!! :-)
    'll leave you the address of my new blog, you'll look !! ;-)
    Good day

  9. Banana muffins - yummy. Cups certainly are attractive.

  10. Visiting your blog after a long break...and glad to see such a yummy treat in an interesting presentation!

  11. Indeed will go good with a cup of coffee...luv the presentation of the muffins :-)

  12. They are so beautifully baked......lovely !


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