
Chocolate Chip Cookies made with Just Cookie Dough

Everyone in my family enjoys Hampton Creek Mayo on a variety of sandwiches and salads. We got the opportunity to check out their Just Cookie Dough, which has become a family favourite. I can make cookies literally in 15 minutes :) and everyone in my family enjoys these delicious, soft, chocolate chip cookies.

With one jar of the Just Cookie Dough, I can make 24 cookies by placing a tablespoon full of cookie dough and then baking. This dairy free, cholesterol free cookie dough is sold at SoPac Whole Foods and Kroger locations in US.
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  1. That is so convenient having already made cookie dough around...perfect for a cookie emergency :)

  2. I agree to what Asiya says... looks like an awesome idea... lovely cookies...

  3. This cookie dough comes so handy when we want to quickly bake some cookies..

  4. Wow this dough resulted in very chewy chocolate chip cookies :-) very nicely made xear


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