
Cooked Tuscan or Toscano Kale

This year I planted seeds of the Tuscan or Toscano kale in our garden. This type of kale is known to be tolerant to hot and cold weather. Out of many seeds I planted, I am glad I got two plants of this kale. I found the Tuscan kale to have lots of flavour. This dark green savoyed kale has tender leaves with a softer texture than curly green kales.
a bunch of kale well washed and drained
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp onion chopped
1/4 to 1/2 tsp chillie flakes
1/4 tsp turmeric
2 tbsp grated coconut
2 to 3 tbsp oil

Chop the kale finely and place it in a bowl. Mix the chopped onion, grated coconut, salt, turmeric, chillie flakes, and oil. It is better to use your hands and mix it while pressing all the ingredients together, this will make it flavourful and the amount of kale will become smaller as it is pressed.
Heat the pan, and add a tablespoon of oil. Cook this mixture on medium low heat uncovered, while occassionally mixing it so it doesn't scorch. When the kale is cooked and is soft, increase the heat and keep stirring it for about 30 seconds before removing from heat. Serve it with rice along other curries.
Don't add water to the kale, if needed you can add oil or slightly cover the pan and cook so it cooks in its own steam, adjust salt if needed.
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  1. Will share this recipe with my husband. he loves greens and is not very familiar with the greens in USA

  2. o wow yummy , simple and easy

  3. I haven't tried planting this before, I may add it to my gardens next summer. Looks/sounds healthy and delicious.

  4. I'm not the hugest fan of kale, but I think I would try that. And really, anything grown in your own garden is kind of awesome! Thank you for sharing :)

  5. Home grown are the best we con eat for sure

  6. I have yet to try Kale but I have heard lots of good things about it :)

    1. Once you try you will like it :) try eating it cooked or sauted first because the raw kale needs some getting used to

  7. Thanks for the great recipe, I am expecting my first baby and supposed to be eating lots of leafy greens.

    1. Congratulations this is a easy recipe hope you try it is always safer to eat cooked greens

  8. I have a flavoured coconut oil I'd love to try in this recipe

    1. I have tried with flavoured coconut oil it tastes good, for this recipe try adding grated fresh coconut to have the taste and flavour

  9. Ihave never tried Kale, looks interesting


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