
Creme Caramel Pudding

Creme Caramel Pudding
I enjoy making this flavourful, delicious Creme Caramel Pudding. For this recipe you will need only three ingredients.
Creme Caramel Pudding
For the caramel
2/3 cups sugar
2 tbsp water

In a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, melt 2/3 cup sugar with 2 tbsp water, off it when it changes golden in colour. The sugar will burn quickly, so keep a close watch. As soon as it becomes golden off it because it darkens quickly. Pour about 1 tbsp of sugar to each ramekin, it will harden but this is okay.

For the pudding
2 cups milk
1/3 cup white sugar
2 eggs
2 egg yolks (save the egg whites for macaroons) 

Warm the milk. In a large bowl beat the eggs and egg yolk, add the warm milk and sugar and beat it. Let the custard stay in the fridge for about an hour or two.
Creme Caramel Pudding
Preheat the oven to 350F. 
Fill about 3/4 to 1/2 of each ramekin. Place the ramekin in a roasting pan. Fill the roasting pan with water that comes up to half way up of the ramekins. Bake the creme caramel for about 30 minutes. The sides should look cooked, and the middle of the pudding should be wobbly.
Creme Caramel Pudding
Move the ramekins to a tray and let it cool in the fridge for about couple of hours or overnight before serving.
Creme Caramel Pudding
To invert the creme caramel, use a knife to loosen the edges of the pudding then put the serving plate over the ramekin and turn it. The caramel would have melted and will be syrupy so be careful when turning.

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  1. I love making creme caramel- one of my favourite desserts! Love how you made some small ones- they're so cute!

  2. A nice recipe. It's often true that less is more :p

  3. These look so good dear! Love a good caramel custard...

  4. Wow, perfectly executed! I haven't made this in years!! Yours is so tempting :)

  5. un flan absolutamente delicioso!!! besitos

  6. You didn't just do this to me? bookmarked!

  7. OMG. Sounds delicious and look really good.
    Florence C

  8. Wow, this is gorgeous! I need to buy some ramekins!

  9. this creme caramel pudding was on my- waiting to make-list from long time ago but still couldn't make it yet. yours looks yummy and itch me to make it soon :)


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