
Chai Spiced Honey Recipe and Recap of Metro Master Class

During the recent Metro Ontario's Metro Master Class at Taste of Toronto, I enjoyed making the delicious Msabbaha a vegetarian/vegan dish. The event was held during June 23rd to 26th at Garrison Common Grounds Fort York. Toronto chef, Anthony Rose (Bar Begonia, Fat Pasha, Schmaltz Appetizing, Rose and Songs and Big Crow) walked us step-by-step on how to make the Msabbaha.
I also had the opportunity to check out a few delicious products available at Metro, as well as the cookbook Nourish, written by registered dietitians Nettie Cronish and Cara Rosenbloom in partnership with Metro. 
This book has about 100 whole food recipes that incorporate vegetable protein sources such as seeds, nuts, and beans to make healthy meals. The book is separated into nine chapters: Nutrition quick and simple; the power of seeds, nuts and beans; breakfast and brunch; appetizers; salads; soups and stews; entrees; vegetable side dishes; snacks and desserts. It includes a glossary, details about nutrient analysis, and further reading. I like that the content in this book encourages eating whole, unprocessed food with recognizable ingredients to prevent diseases.
I learned a few tips such as...

  • Cooking beans with seaweed such as kombu helps break down the flatulence-causing components of beans so they are easier to digest. 
  • Soaking beans and washing it before cooking reduces starches that cause unpleasant gas and bloating. 
  •  The book mentioned that it is best to cook lentils in unsalted water because salt toughens the lentils making them take longer to cook. 
  • Daily serving of nuts, about 1/4 cup drops the risk of heart disease by 30 percent.
I tried this Chai Spiced Honey recipe from the book, which can be served with yogurt, oatmeal or stirred with warm milk or tea.

1/2 cup honey
4 star anise pods
3 cinnamon sticks
3 cardamom pods
10 peppercorns
4 cloves
Heat the honey over medium-low heat, add the spices and warm the ingredients for 5 minutes. Don't let the honey come to a full boil. Remove from heat and let the mixture sit in the pan for 20 minutes for the flavours to infuse. Once it is cool use a fine mesh sieve and strain into a glass jar. This will last 6 months. Do not refrigerate.

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  1. Thanks for the Chai Spice recipe, I will give it a try. It looks so good.

  2. Great tip about soaking beans and washing before cooking to reduce gas and bloating!

  3. What a tasty post!! Thanks for the recipe, we adore anything Chai in our house!

    Rafflecopter Name is Anne Taylor

  4. The recipe book sounds great. I would love to read the chapter on the power of seeds, nuts, and beans.

  5. oh that looks really good! I have always wanted to go to a cooking class. what a great experience that would be

  6. The Chai Spiced Honey sound really good. Will have to try soaking the beans tip. (Judy Cowan)

  7. sounds like an informative session. I had no idea about beans and lentils, thanks for the info!

  8. I wish we had more classes like this close to me!! So nice to try different recipes. I bet my husband would like the Chia Spice I will have to make some. :)

  9. Nourish sounds like a great cookbook to have and especially if you want to eat whole real foods!! The tea looks and sounds wonderful!!

  10. That sounds like so much fun! Thank you for the Chia Spice recipe! Sounds awesome.

  11. The Chai Spiced Honey Recipe sounds absolutely delicious. I am certainly looking forward to trying it. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Thank you for sharing the recipe! I also like the tips about beens as I have a hard time digesting them.

  13. The Chai Spiced Honey recipe sounds healthy & delicious, it's awesome that it will last up to 6 months without refrigeration too.

  14. Thanks so much for the Chai Spiced Honey recipe.It sounds amazing and I am happy you included te pictures of the spices for us.

  15. The Chai Spiced Honey recipe is ccertainly one I would like to try. I might however not use any cloves as I dislike their taste.

  16. What fun i always want to go to a cooking class or even a cooking school. Hope u had a gud eid.

  17. Great experience and fun, recipe sounds yummy, will try

  18. Must have been a great experience. Chai spiced honey will be bookmarked.


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