
Yoplait Whole Milk Yogurt Giveaway

yoplait whole milk yogurt
Picky milk drinkers can enjoy the wholesome benefits of milk with this Yoplait whole milk yogurt. It is a good source of energy and calcium that tastes good. This yogurt does not have gelatin, artificial flavours, artificial colours or preservatives.

We love the goodness and flavour of the simple ingredients in this whole milk yogurt. The 100g individual containers have thick, creamy flavour of the fruits. This yogurt doesn't have fruits in the bottom that needs to be stirred or fruit particles in it, which makes Yoplait Whole Milk Yogurt the first choice for everyone in our family. 
yoplait whole milk yogurt
We can purchase Yoplait Whole Milk Yogurt in the yogurt aisle at all major grocery stores Canada-wide for a retail price of approximately $5.99 for 12x 100g. The flavours include strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, peach, vanilla, cherry, mango, coconut, and blackberry.

Win coupons to try Yoplait Whole Milk Yogurt by entering this giveaway before April 10th. This giveaway is open to everyone in Canada. Please leave comments and follow my social media networks to be eligible to win. 
Update: The winner is Lushka
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  1. awesome contest my kids and I love yogurt and I'm trying to start eating healthier so fingers crossed that I'm lucky enough to win this awesome contest.

  2. I live in Nova Scotia and my kids and I love yogurt. thanks for this amazing contest. I'm trying to eat healthier and yogurt is one of my most favourite snacks.

  3. I live in Ontario. My kids and I love to eat yogurt.

  4. I live in BC and I'd love to win this yogurt to feed to my grandson!

    Rafflecopter Name is Anne Taylor

  5. We are in Manitoba and I'd like to win this for my kids. I like the fact that this yogurt doesn't contain gelatin, artificial flavours, artificial colours or preservatives. Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I live in Newfoundland and eat yogurt daily. I love trying new products.
    Florence C

  7. I live in Calgary Alberta. We Love Yogurt and the whole milk sounds really good! Thanks for the chance.

  8. I live in BC, and I would like to try it b/c we eat a ton of yogurt, so I'm always on the look out for a new brand/flavour. (Sunshine H)

  9. I live in Ontario. We would love to try this whole milk yogurt!

  10. I would love for my family to try this. my son doesn't drink milk so yogurt is his only source of calcium. I am from Ottawa

  11. I LIVE IN Barrie Ontario. I have not yet tried these but would like to

  12. Bowmanville, Ontario and I haven't tried this brand. I usually buy the tubes, and now that my kids are older I think I should expand my yogurt selections!

  13. I live in Manitoba and would love to try this yogurt because I need more calcium and I love trying new products out to see if I would like it or not.

  14. I am in Ontario and would love to try this yogurt since we eat a lot of yogurt and have been seeing this new one and wondering what it is like. (Judy Cowan)

  15. I live in Nova Scotia and I know my granddaughter would enjoy them.

  16. I live in Ontario and my nephew would like this!

  17. I live in Ontario and would like to try

  18. This is the first time I have been to your excellent website We r from Ontario ! I shall b entering more contests like this thanks

  19. I live in Ontario! I would love to try this yogurt cause we have yet to try it and buy yogurt every week !

  20. Newfoundland canada. I have 3 boys who LOVE yogurt and I do too! We would love to try this kind. Thanks!

  21. I'm from Ontario.
    I would love to win this yogurt as I'm interested in trying their coconut flavour.

  22. I'm in Ontario and I adore yogurt and live to try new things.

  23. I am in BC and i love yogurt.

    billiondollarprincesss at hotmail dot com

  24. I live in Ontario. My kids and I love to eat yogurt.

  25. I live in Saskatchewan. My kids eat a lot of yogurt. I know they would like to try out this kind.

  26. I live in Ontario, and would like to see how creamy they are.

  27. I am from Ontario and I would love to try this yogurt because it is my favorite breakfast food.

  28. I love in Ontario, I would love to try this yogurt because I'm curious to see how it tastes! I love yogurt!(Entered as Stephanie)

  29. Ilive in Central Alberta and I would love to try this as with whole milk I think the yogurt would be very creamy

  30. from ontario and we would love to win as our whole family loves yogurt

  31. I live in ON, and I"d love to try a yogourt with no unhealthy additives!

  32. I live in Ontario and I would like to try this Yoplait Whole Milk Yogurt because it does not have gelatin, artificial flavours, artificial colours or preservatives added.

  33. My kids love yogurt, but this is a brand we have not tried. We are in BC.

  34. I live in Saskatchewan and I always like to try new yogurt to find the kinds I like the most.

  35. I'm from Alberta and would love to try this yogourt because I love yogourt and eat it daily.

  36. AB; love to try new products and brands. and this one has no additives - just the way it should be. thanks

  37. I am in Southern Ontario and I would love to try this yogurt! I have three little girls and we are quite health-conscious so we go through a TON of yogurt. It would be nice to try something a little new, as well. Thank you for the chance!

  38. I'm in Alberta, and I love Yoplait but have not tried the new variety yet!

  39. I am in Ontario. I love yogurt, so that would be why I want to try it. I love trying every new kind . I use it in baking as well so would love to see if there are any differences.

  40. I'm in BC and would love to try Yoplait's whole milk yogurt because I love that it has simple ingredients in it and is very creamy.

  41. I live in Ontario and I would like to try this yogurt because there is no geletain or additives.

  42. I live in Manitoba and eat yogurt everyday and am always open to try out new ones

  43. I live in Ontario and would love for my boys to try this yogurt because it sounds so good!

  44. I am in Ontario.
    I am not that fond of drinking milk so this whole milk yogurt sounds like a good choice for me.

  45. I'm in Ontario and I'd like to try them just because I love trying new things!

  46. Ontario here! Would love to try this new product!

  47. I am in Canada and would love to try this whole milk yogurt. I eat a lot of yogurt at home.

  48. vuittongrl1975(at)yahoo(dot)com
    I'm in Ontario and we have already tried this yogurt and it is delicious!

    Ami B

  49. I live in Alberta & we eat yogurt most mornings as part of our breakfast. I'm looking to increase my calcium intake & the Yoplait whole milk yogurt would be helpful & delicious!

  50. We live in Ontario. I'd love to see if our son would like this - the whole milk sounds great.

  51. I live in Ontario, would love to try it because my kids love yogurt

  52. I'm from Nova Scotia. I'd like to win this for my daughter to try because it sounds healthy and delicious.

  53. I love yogurt! I live in Nova Scotia

  54. I live in BC. I'd love this yogurt as it would make a delicious and healthy snack at work, or part of a yummy breakfast at home!

  55. I live In Ontario. Our family loves Yogurt so this would be awesome!

  56. I am in Ontario. I like trying new yogurts and like that is doesn't have artificial flavours or preservatives


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