
Trinidadian Gulab Jamun

Trinidadian gulab jamun
This sweet Trinidadian Gulab Jamun snacks are different from the Indian Gulab Jamun taste and texture. It is more like a soft textured cookie or sweet murukku. These snacks will keep well in an air-tight container.  

Trinidadian Gulab jamun
1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup milk powder
1 1/2 tbsp ghee
1 1/2 tbsp condensed milk
1 tsp ground cardamom
Evaporated milk to make the dough

Knead the dough by hand and let it rest for 20 minutes. Make elongated shapes, I used my gnocchi board.   
Trinidadian gulab jamun
2 cups of oil to fry

Fry in low to medium heat, as this gulab jamun depending on the size of the shapes needs to be fried in low heat for 8 to 10 minute until golden brown and the inside cooks. Once it cools the inside will resemble a soft, crusty cookie texture. Leave it to cool for about 5 minutes before adding it to the hot syrup and tossing it. 
Trinidadian gulab jamun
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup water
1 tbsp ginger grated to taste I did not use the pulp
1 tsp ground cardamom

Heat all the ingredients and keep stirring until it turns into a thick syrupy consistency. After mixing the fried gulab jamuns with the sugar syrup, the snacks will have a dry white crystallized sugar coating.  

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  1. I will have to pick up cardamon and try these.They really look delicious and tasty.They don't sound too hard to make which I like too.Thanks for the recipe.

  2. That sounds interesting... do they call it gulab jamun as well?

  3. I've never tried these before. They sound super delicious.

  4. It would be very interesting to compare the taste of the Indian and Trinidadian Gulab Jamun. I haven't tried either of them.

  5. I am surprised that this calls for regular flour and not an Indian one.

  6. Oh wow these look and sound amazing, I am going to have to give them a try!!

  7. I worked with a lady who used to bring these into work when she made them. I loved the taste and they almost melted in your mouth. They were so rich and decadent.

  8. I love these, and am so happy that you shared your recipe!

  9. It sounds easy enough and looks delicious,thanks for the recipe !

  10. How much evaporated milk do you use?

    1. Add a tbsp at a time just enough to bring the ingredients together and knead the dough. I didn't put a specific amount because it depends each time on humidity.


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