
Calaloo Side Dish

calaloo amaranath leaves side dish
This year, we planted calaloo also know as amaranth leaves in our garden. This iron and nutrient rich leaves are a healthy addition to any meal. I cooked the fresh leaves with a combination of coconut and spices and served it as a side dish with rice. 

calaloo amaranath leaves side dish

For this side dish you will need...

1 bunch calaloo leaves washed and chopped small
2 tbsp onion chopped
3 tbsp fresh grated coconut
1/2 tsp salt to taste
1/2 tsp chillie flakes to taste 
1/4 tsp turmeric
2 to 3 tbsp oil

Wash the calaloo leaves and drain to remove all the water. Chop the calaloo leaves small and mix it with all the spices, coconut, oil, and salt. It is better to use your hands and mix all the ingredients together compressing the leaves.

Heat the pan on medium heat and sauté until the leaves are cooked.

Do not add water, if needed add oil, reduce the heat or cover the pan and cook so the leaves cooks in its own steam, adjust salt if needed.

For this recipe you can add 1/2 tbsp Maldive fish to add a different flavour.
calaloo amaranath leaves side dish
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  1. I am hearing this name for amaranth for the first time... we also make our stir fry similar way but we add some cooked daal too for extra protein... :)

  2. We have this over here, love this dish so cant wait to give it a try

  3. Ive never heard of this plant before but it sounds like something I would enjoy trying!

  4. nothing like growing in your own garden... healthy and nutritious dish

  5. Hmmm interesting. I think this is Jamaican callalloo - also known as chorai (so?) bhagi in Trinidad. It’s yummy!!

  6. wow! this looks deliciosooooo

  7. I have never heard of calahoo. Sounds delish!

  8. This looks delicious and healthy!

  9. I have never heard about this - looks interesting

  10. I have never tried this before. Thanks so much for the recipe.


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