
Lavender Shortbread Cookies

Lavender Shortbread Cookies
These Lavender Shortbread cookies have a floral flavour and aroma because of the dried lavender flowers. This buttery shortbread cookies will be enjoyed by adults and children. Everyone we shared it with loved the taste. These cookies are wonderful to serve with tea or to give as gifts. 

2 tsp dried lavender *
350 g or 3/4 lbs salted butter at room temperature **
1 cup sugar
17.5 ounces all purpose flour 

* I dried culinary lavender from our garden 
** If using unsalted butter add 1/4 tsp salt

Grind the lavender finely using a mortar and pestle, until it resembles a powder you will still be able to see specks of lavender.
Lavender Shortbread Cookies
Using a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, mix together the butter, sugar, and dried lavender powder until combined and it spread around the bowl. Add flour to the bowl, and mix together until the flour incorporates to form a ball of dough. It is easier to bring the flour together using our hands. 

Roll the dough out on a baking mat about 1/2" thick, then cut desired shapes. Place the cookies on a baking tray and leave it in the refrigerate for at least one hour, until it is cold and firm to the touch.

Preheat the oven to 350F and bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes. The baking time depends on the size of the cookies. The cookies are ready when the edges are lightly golden brown and the bottoms are done. As the cookies cool to room temperature it will harden so do not over bake. These cookies keep well for at least a week in an air tight container.
Lavender Shortbread Cookies
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  1. Well these are different,never tried lavender in baking before,very interesting !

  2. Your garden must smell wonderful with lavender growing there. I have never had a lavender flavored anything, makes me think of soap LOL. but these look very tempting

  3. I love shortbread, but I've never used lavendar in baking before.

  4. I would love to try growing lavender !

  5. They looks so delicious I would love to taste test them !

  6. Such an interesting recipe and |I do love shortbread !

  7. Everytime I see these cookies I want to taste them !

  8. I've never tried lavender in cookies before. I'm very curious.

  9. So interested in trying lavender!

  10. Lavender and shortbread! What a great idea. These would make a delicious hostess gift.

  11. Shortbread cookies are one of my favorite treats !

  12. Recipe was delicious,I used some mint I had dried from the garden !

  13. hey look lovely. Haven't baked cookies in a long time.

  14. Love the little shape you used !

  15. Cookies served with tea are my favorite!

  16. Your garden must smell amazing !!

  17. Lavendar is on my "want to grow" list, so maybe I'll plant some, and be able to make these cookies this summer.

  18. I've never made shortbread cookies; I didn't realize that they need so few ingredients. I'd love to try these.

  19. This buttery shortbread cookie looks delicious !

  20. Lavender Shortbread cookies look tasty. Thanks for the recipe.


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