
Roasted Lamb

mejadra rice
I usually serve roasted leg of lamb with rice similar to Mejadra that is garnished with cashews and raisins. I also add potatoes to the baking pan.  
roasted lamb
5 lbs leg of lamb
dry or fresh Rosemary
dry or fresh dill
a bulb of garlic
1 tbsp coriander seeds ground or coriander powder
1 tbsp cumin seeds ground
3 to 4 green chillie
1 tsp pepper ground
1 1/2 tsp salt to taste
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tbsp of lemon juice

Wash the leg of lamb and make deep slits all around it. Grind the coriander seeds, cumin seeds, green chillie, garlic cloves, pepper, and salt together. Mix this with the dry or fresh herbs, oil, and lemon juice.  Rub this mixture all over the meat. Cover the baking dish with aluminium foil or cling film and leave it in the fridge to marinate for a few hours or overnight. It can be marinated about 3 days before baking. 

Sear the marinated leg of lamb at 400F for about 15 minutes each side. Lower the oven temperature to 350F, cover the lamb with aluminum foil and bake for about 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours depending on how well you want it to done. The lamb needs to be rotated and flipped during the 2 hours it is baking every half hour to make sure it cooks well. Remove the juices if you want for gravy. Once the lamb is cooked uncover the lamb and bake a little longer if you want. 

For every pound of lamb it takes about 25 minutes and this leg of lamb was 5 lbs. Once it is done, keep it wrapped in foil for ten minutes before carving. I add potatoes on the side when there is about an hour left during the baking time to the same pan and bake the potatoes to serve with the lamb and rice. 

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  1. That roasted lamb leg looks so warming and GOOD!

  2. I love lamb but I would just season with salt and pepper and mint.

  3. That look delicious! I never tried Lamb!

  4. This looks amazing It would be great to cook on a cold winter day

  5. The rice with cashews and raisins sounds delicious

  6. The marinate looks tasty and not hard to make

  7. The potatoes look good cooked with the lamb

  8. great recipe, gives me inspiraton, haven't had lamb in many years!

  9. Never had lamb but rice sounds good

  10. This looks so delicious. I will try it.

  11. This looks fantastic I would love to make this

  12. I would love to make this dish It looks so good

  13. This is a fantastic recipe to make for a Valentines Day supper

  14. The rice with cashews and raisins looks scrumptious

  15. The potatoes look delicious cooked with the lamb

  16. This looks like an amazing recipe for a lamb roast

  17. This will be a marvelous meal to make for the cold winter days

  18. We used to have many lamb meals when I was a child, I would like to try the recipe, with the rice for a family dinner!

  19. The rice with cashews and raisins looks delicious

  20. The marinate looks like it adds a lot of delicious flavor to this dish

  21. The potatoes look amazing cooked with the lamb roast

  22. This looks delicious! My mom used to cook lamb quite often.

  23. This looks like a fantastic recipe it would be great to make for a chilly day

  24. This looks and sounds amazing. I need to try this sometime

  25. I love lamb (must be my bit of Greek blood) but I'd be just as happy with just a sprinkling of mint on it. Why go to so much trouble to change the delicious flavour?

  26. The rice with cashews and raisins looks tasty

  27. I haven't had lamb in awhile, but this looks very good.

  28. The potatoes look delicious cooked with the lamb roast

  29. This looks so delicious. I don't have enough lamb recipes.

  30. The rice with cashews and raisins looks amazing

  31. This dish looks so delicious. We love lamb !

  32. The marinate looks tasty and flavorful


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