
Pinwheel Samosa

pinwheel samosa
Making these delicious savoury filled pinwheel samosas for an evening snack is quicker than making traditional samosas. The filling can be anything savoury you want. 
pinwheel samosa
For the dough
1 cup all purpose flour
2 tbsp semolina
1/2 tsp ajwain or caraway seeds
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil 
1/4 cup water as needed 

Knead the ingredients together by adding water as needed little at a time. Cover the soft dough and keep it aside for 20 minutes or until the filling is prepared. 

For the filling 
1/2 cup of minced meat
1/2 cup of boiled potato
1 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
2 tbsp onion chopped
1 tsp ginger garlic paste
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tbsp chillie flakes to taste
1/4 tsp pepper ground
1/2 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp salt to taste
1/2 tbsp lemon juice to taste

Heat the oil and add the onion and cumin seeds. When the onion is translucent add the ginger garlic paste, minced meat, and the spices and let the meat cook well. Add the boiled potatoes and lemon juice and mix it well. Adjust the seasoning and spices according to taste and leave it aside to cool. Once the filling is cool, roll the dough to make a rectangle shape. Spread the filling all over the rectangle and tightly roll it make a log similar to cinnamon buns. Then cut 1/2 inch slices. 
pinwheel samosa
For the coating before frying
1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup water
1/4 tsp salt
oil to fry

Heat the oil on medium high heat. 
Mix the flour, water and salt to make a thick paste. Dip the cut pinwheel samosa slices and immediately fry it in hot oil until it turns golden brown and crisp. Remove the fried samosas and let it cool a little. Serve with sauce. 

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  1. They are great as a snack or a meal with some soup or salad!

  2. These sounds and look delicious. I know our family would enjoy these.

  3. These pinwheel samosas look very delicious

  4. these look interesting. Being home all the time it's nice to see creative recipes.

  5. Well found out something new never knew what semolina was.

  6. I have only ever used semolina to make a pudding!

  7. I was so inspired by this post we used the filling you shared and made it into like a big strudle with puff pastry. The kids loved it and so did we.

  8. These look very yummy, will give them a try.

  9. These snacks look absolutely delicious and pretty easy to make.

  10. Perfect snack time food but also great for dinner!

  11. These pinwheel samosas look like they would have amazing flavor Yum!

  12. They look and sound delicious, thanks very much for sharing the recipe!

  13. These look delicious will have to try them out.

  14. Looks delicious never used semolina before. iNteresting.

    1. Flo semolina is durum wheat if you can't find it you can skip it for this recipe

  15. These pinwheel samosas look like a tasty snack

  16. I have to try this recipe. These pinwheel samosas look so good.

  17. These samosas look appetizing

  18. I would love to make these They look so delicious

  19. This recipe looks very flavorful

  20. They look very tasty and easy to make

  21. These pinwheel samosas would go great with my salad for dinner tonight


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