Showing posts with label roti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roti. Show all posts

Fish baked in banana leaf

400g (1 pkt) sole or any type of fish fillet
2 tbsp coconut oil or vegetable oil
1/2 cup onion
1/4 cup tomatoes
1 green chillie optional
1/2 tsp ginger grated
1 tbsp tamarind
1/2 tsp chillie flakes
1/2 tsp fennel seeds coarsely ground
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp salt
banana leaves to wrap

Heat 1 tbsp oil sauté the onions with the spices, garlic and ginger. When it is a little soft add the tamarind liquid and tomatoes. Cook for about 2 minutes for the spices to blend.
Place the fish fillet on the banana leaf and put the sauce over it and wrap with the leaf. There is no need to wrap it tightly.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes at 425F, the time depends on the type of fish and preference. If there is lots of liquid leave for another 5 minutes more in the oven for it to absorb. The fish doesn't need to become dry, it is better if there is some liquid left.
Any type of fish fillet can be used. If banana leaves are not available, use foil or wax paper.
This goes to MLLA #39.

I won the book Plate to Pixel by Helene Dujardin from Susan, the well seasoned cook for participating on her MLLA #37. I enjoy this monthly event very much, prior to this event I wasn't sure what legumes included :) Thank you Susan for this knowledge and for this fabulous book which is user friendly with awesome pictures and tips.
Susan, this is my first win blogging :) I very much appreciate your kind words and hoping to benefit from this book :)
This "thank you" picture goes to black and white wednesday.

All rights reserved on photographs and written content Torviewtoronto © 2011 unless mentioned. Please Ask First

Potato frankie or Murtabak

Potato frankie Murtabak
for the roti

1 1/2 cup flour
2 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp salt
water tbsp at a time
Knead the flour into a soft smooth dough, use water a tbsp at a time as needed. Leave it to rest for about 1/2 hour.
Divide the dough into 6 parts and roll it to a thin 8" diameter. Oil the rolling pin and surface if needed, do not put flour on the board.
Heat a pan on low heat, add oil about 1/2 tsp if needed. Cook both sides of the flatbread or roti and keep it warm in a warmer or foil wrap till all the rotis are made.
Potato frankie Murtabak
For filling
2 cups potatoes boiled
1/2 cup onion
2 tbsp coriander leaves
1 green chillie chopped
1/2 to 1 tsp salt to taste

To make the potato filling, mash the boiled potatoes with the onion, coriander leaves, green chillie and salt. Make 6 parts.

Filling can be anything preferred such as paneer with other vegetables, chicken etc. If using chicken, meat or paneer; cook it with onion, tomato, ginger, garlic and spices to preference.
Potato frankie Murtabak
To assemble the frankies
3 eggs (to put 1/2 an egg per roti) or use 6 eggs (1 per roti)
Any type of chutney tamarind, green chutney or any type of sauce
Heat a frying pan on medium low heat. Add a little oil to the pan if needed, place the roti and spread 1 beaten egg or 1/2 a beaten egg.
Cover the roti a little if needed so the egg cooks faster and the bottom doesn't get too crispy. When the egg is set and no longer runny turn it and cook for a few seconds. Then put the filling and roll it. Do the same with each pre cooked roti.
Potato frankie Murtabak
Put the filling in the middle of the roti egg side up, put sauce on it if you prefer and roll. Serve it hot. I used tamarind chutney in these frankie or murtabak, also known as kathi roll.

All rights reserved on photographs and written content Torviewtoronto © 2011 unless mentioned. Please Ask First

Potato gravy curry

2 cups potatoes cut into cubes
1 tbsp oil
1/8 tsp mustard seeds
2 tbsp onion
1/2 tsp grated ginger
1/2 tsp garlic chopped
1 tbsp curry leaves optional
1/2 cup tomato
1 green chillie optional
1/4 tbsp chillie powder or less to taste
1/4 tbsp coriander powder
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/4 tsp cumin seeds ground *
1/4 tsp fennel seeds ground *
1/2 tsp salt or more to taste
1 cup water
1 tbsp coconut milk powder mixed in 1/4 cup water optional

Heat oil add mustard seeds then sauté the onion, curry leaves, ginger, garlic, tomatoes, salt and potatoes. Then add the spices and water. Cook till the potatoes are done. Serve hot as a side dish with roti.
* In place of ground cumin and fennel seeds use 1/2 tsp garam masala.

All rights reserved on photographs and written content Torviewtoronto © 2011 unless mentioned. Please Ask First

Coconut chutney

coconut chutney
1 1/2 cups fresh grated coconut
1 tsp ginger grated
3 to 5 green chillies chopped
1 tbsp tamarind pulp
1/2 cup water
1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1 tbsp curry leaves
1 dry red chillie broken without seeds

Leave the tamarind pulp in the warm water until the tamarind is soft then take the puree and discard the pulp.

Using a blender grind the grated coconut, ginger, green chillies with tamarind water and salt until it is a paste and keep it aside.

Heat oil add mustard seeds, curry leaves and chillie pieces. When mustard sputters add it to the ground mixture and serve this chutney with Indian pancakes (dosa), steamed savoury cakes (idly) and fried snacks like vada.

For a variation add coriander leaves or mint when grinding the paste.

All rights reserved on photographs and written content Torviewtoronto © 2011 unless mentioned. Please Ask First

Rhubarb chutney

This simple to make, sweet and spicy rhubarb chutney goes well with rice and flat breads.

1 tbsp oil
2" cinnamon stick
2 clove
2 cardamom
1/2 tsp yellow or black mustard seeds ground
1/2 tsp cumin ground
1 tbsp vinegar
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp chillie powder or more to taste
5 stalks or 2 cups rhubarb cut into small
2 to 3 tbsp brown sugar or more to taste

Heat oil add the cinnamon, cardamom and clove. Then add the ground mustard seeds and ground cumin. Add vinegar and the rhubarbs with all the spices except sugar and let it cook in low to medium heat covered.
Can also cook on low heat without covering until the rhubarbs have become soft and creamy.
Add sugar 1 tbsp at a time and taste to make sure it is sweet and spicy enough to your preference.
Remove from heat, cool completely and put into a jar or tight container and leave it in the fridge to serve later or serve it immediately.

This chutney will lasts for months if it is put in a sterilized container, a clean spoon is used when taking the chutney out of the jar and kept in the fridge.
Here is more information on rhubarbs and its benefits. Happy Canada day and 4th of July to all the readers.

The leaf blade of Rhubarb is poisonous and should not be eaten. Use only the stalks without any part of the leaf especially if you are cutting it from the garden.

All rights reserved on photographs and written content Torviewtoronto © 2011 unless mentioned. Please Ask First

Paneer gravy curry

1 cup paneer cut into cubes
1/2 tsp chillie powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp flour

Mix paneer with chillie, salt and flour leave a side. Heat oil and fry to brown all sides, remove and keep it aside and prepare the gravy.

1/2 tbsp oil
1/2 cup onion
1/2 cup tomato
1/2 tbsp curry leaves optional
1 bay leaf
1 green chillie chopped
1/2 tbsp garlic chopped
1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds
1/2 tsp chillie powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp garam masala
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp salt to taste
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup cream or coconut milk

Heat oil add fenugreek seeds, onion, curry leaves, garlic, green chillie, tomato, bay leaf and spices then add the spices, saute. Add water with cream and then add the prepared paneer to coat the gravy and keep in low heat for about 2 minutes.
Serve as a side dish with rice or roti.
If coconut milk is used instead of cream it would have a different taste.

This creamy curry would be delicious wrapped in roti as well so it goes to stuffed paneer event. It is also at Get Grillin’ with Family Fresh Cooking and Cookin’ Canuck, sponsored byIle de France Cheese, Rösle, Emile Henry, ManPans and Rouxbe.”

All rights reserved on photographs and written content Torviewtoronto © 2011 unless mentioned. Please Ask First

Red kidney beans curry

Red kidney beans (Rajma) curry

1 cup before soaking or 1 can of red kidney beans
1 tbsp oil
3 tbsp onion
1/4 cup tomatoes
1 tbsp curry leaves
1 green chillie chopped optional
1/2 tbsp garlic
1 tsp ginger grated
1/2 tbsp chillie powder
1/2 tbsp coriander powder
1 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp salt to taste
1/2 cup water
garnish coriander leaves chopped

I used a can of red beans, if using dried soak overnight before cooking.
Heat oil add onions, curry leaves, garlic, ginger and saute. Add the tomatoes and saute. Add all the spices and the beans.
Add water and cook covered in low medium heat till the beans are cooked well. Mash the beans a little and cook for a few minutes, if you like more gravy add more water. Garnish with coriander leaves if using.
Serve it with roti or rice.

All rights reserved on photographs and written content Torviewtoronto © 2011 unless mentioned. Please Ask First

Besan flour flatbread

olivado oil
I am excited to tell all of you I have won a contest by Olivado oils, and won this fabulous gift basket for our favourite way of eating chickpeasThe team at Olivado oils tried my dish and I am happy to know they enjoyed. The picture below is their dish.
olivado chickpeas
I am always happy to hear from all of you especially when I am told that the recipes were tried and enjoyed, makes me feel good about sharing :)

From the first time I tasted this flavourful oil I have enjoyed using it especially because of health reasons and to use it in high smoke points which is really good for stir frying and making rotis. And now I am happy to be sharing this with family and friends.

This besan flour roti (missi roti) is healthy and flavourful.
besan flour roti
1 cup besan flour (gram flour or chickpeas flour)
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 tbsp onion
1 tbsp curry leaves or fresh coriander leaves
1 green chillie chopped
1/4 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp oil
1/2 cup warm water
2 tbsp melted ghee or unsalted butter

Mix all the ingredients except water and ghee together. Add water little at a time and make a smooth dough.
besan flour roti
Leave it to rest covered for 1/2 hour in an oiled bowl. Make 4 or 6 balls and roll it in a floured board.
besan flour roti
Put the rolled roti in a well heated griddle pan in medium high heat. Brush the sides of the roti with melted ghee or oil and cook both sides. The roti will change colour and there will be golden colour spots then turn and cook the other side. Serve it hot with any curry, I served it with kidney beans (rajma) curry.
besan flour roti
All rights reserved on photographs and written content Torviewtoronto © 2011 unless mentioned. Please Ask First

Naan flat bread

naan bread
2 cups flour
1 tsp yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
pinch baking soda
2 tbsp oil
2 1/2 tbsp yogurt
3/4 cup lukewarm water

Mix yeast with water and pinch of sugar and let it sit for 10 minutes until the mixture is frothy. 

Add sugar, salt and baking soda to the flour and mix well.

Add oil, yogurt, yeast to make a soft dough. When the dough rises it will become more soft.
Cover the dough and keep in a warm place for 3 to 4 hours to double in volume.

Knead the dough again make six parts. Roll into 8" oval shapes, if needed dust flour or oil to roll the dough.

Preheat the pizza stone at 500F, turn the broiler on. 
Before putting the Naan in the oven, lightly wet hands and take the rolled Naan flip between the palms and place onto pizza stone, so the naan is a little wet.

Bake the naan for 2 to 3 minutes till the naan puff up and is golden brown. If needed, turn the other side using tongs for another minute if it isn't golden on top. Don't over bake as the naan will get too crispy and tops might get burnt.

The pizza stone must be very hot so before putting the next batch wait for about 2 minutes for it to become hot. 
Rub butter or ghee, butter mixed with garlic, onions, sesame seeds or onion seeds for flavours before putting in the oven or after taking it out. Serve naans hot with butter chicken.
naan bread
Thank you for the questions. Updated: If you don't own a pizza stone, use a heavy bottom baking dish.
I have also used tin foil cookie sheets before, put the oven on the highest heat. The amount of time it will be in the oven might be a little longer than above, and you might have to flip it.
naan bread
All rights reserved on photographs and written content Torviewtoronto © 2011 unless mentioned. Please Ask First

Salad, stir fry and more with Olivado oil

Olivado Avocado oil is available in many parts of the the world and now in Canada.
I am glad to receive a complimentary package from Olivado oils to review and to be introduced to this delicious brand of cold pressed extra virgin avocado oil.
Here are a few dishes I tried it on; stir-fried egg rice, broccoli stir fry and in roti's with vegetables and meat. It didn't burn in high heat rather gave an enhancing flavour without overpowering the dishes.
It is perfect for frying, sauteing and cooking.

It has an excellent source of Vitamin E reduces cardiovascular diseases. It also has chlorophylls antioxidants that reduce risk of cancer, cartenoid lutein which reduces age related macular degeneration and prostate cancer.
It doesn't have trans fats or sodium. It is cholesterol free and is a heart healthy product.
It is also good for the skin and hair.
It is suitable for raw food diet and is excellent on salads, dressing and dipping.

This salad is tossed with avocado oil and topped with croutons and parmesan cheese.

Some flavours ...
Olivado Avocado oil has a delicious buttery smooth flavour.
Avocado zest has a tang of lemon taste.
Omega plus has a blend of avocado, olive and flaxseed oil; natural way for good heart health in children and adults which reduces risk of coronary heart disease.
Macadamia nut oil unique and flavourful.
It not only provides quality, shelf life but it is also organic. Olivado is committed to helping over 600 family owned farms in Kenya; that previously didn't have a market for their produce.
I certainly feel good using this product, check it out for yourself I am sure you will love it too.

All opinions are mine and all rights reserved on photographs and written content Torviewtoronto © 2010 unless mentioned. Please Ask First

Paratha roti

2 cups flour
1 egg optional
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar optional
2 tbsp margarine
1/4 cup warm water

Knead a smooth dough with flour, egg, salt and margarine. Use just enough water to make the dough little at a time. Make about 8 balls. Put about 2 tbsp oil and rest the dough I rested it for about 6 hours. There are a few ways to roll the dough.

Roll the dough thin then hold two sides of the dough like a rope and keep moving in a circular motion hitting it on the board. Then roll into a spiral and tuck the end making a ball. Leave it to rest in a little oil for another few hours I left it for about 2 hours.

Then roll it thin the dough will keep shrinking which is fine. Cook the rotis in high heat if it burning too much lower it to medium high heat. Put 1/2 teaspoon of oil on the pan and place the roti, when the bubbles appear press the roti. Turn the roti when it is slightly golden and cook the other side. Keep each roti on top of the other. Stack the rotis and hit the sides a little which will make the rotis flaky.

This roti goes well with many dishes, I like serving with crab curry. Stack the parathas and when it is cool to touch, place it in a foil wrap and then roll it, heat before using if necessary it will be soft.

Sweet semolina sago porridge

1/2 cup roasted semolina
2 tbsp cooked vermicelli noodles
1 tbsp sago seeds
1/2 cup jaggery
2 cup water
2 tbsp coconut milk powder or milk
1/4 tsp salt

Dry roast semolina and keep aside. Melt jaggery with water add roasted semolina, sago seeds, salt and cook. Then add the noodles and coconut milk powder mix and cook for few minutes till the porridge is thick. Serve hot with coconut roti (this roti to is made without the spices using only flour, coconut, salt and water please see link for instruction).
Can substitute jaggery with brown sugar about 3 tbsp, add more if needed the taste may differ a little.